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WHSL Saved Searches - PubMed's My NCBI: RSS feeds

How to use PubMed's My NCBI, and other methods of keeping up to date with the latest medical information

Create an RSS feed

This is not part of My NCBI, but it is included here because it is also used to save searches in order to keep you up to date. 

 RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds enable one to receive updates as and when changes are made. The search results can be read on an RSS newsreader or aggregator. Examples are My Yahoo, Google Reader. Every time you visit your RSS feeder, you will see updates to your search.

Open your preferred RSS feeder

At the same time in another tab, or another web browser, login to PubMed, and perform a search.

Click on the  RSS feed link above the search bar. A few settings ( name and number of references displayed) can be made and then click on Create RSS

Right click on the XML button, and Copy Link Address.

Open your RSS feeder and paste the URL link into the subscribe form.