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Physical & Neurological Disabilities/Disorders affecting Learning: Definitions/FAQs

This Guide provides information, services and resources for parents with children who have physical and/or neurological disabilities or disorders affecting learning, and for people who have physical and/or neurological disabilities or disorders.

Subject Guide


Welcome to this LibGuide on Physical & Neurological Disabilities/Disorders that affect Learning.  I hope that you will find information that will assist you. Please note that these resources are provided for information only - not for any diagnosis, referral or medical purposes. Should you require this type of assistance, please ensure that you seek professional assistance from a medical expert in that field.

N.B. When looking for information, please click on Main Blue Tabs first as there is information on the main tabs as well as on the Sub-Tabs on the drop-down menus.

Please also note that some of the material on this LibGuide is copyright protected and if you need to reproduce the material, you may need to appy for copyright clearance first.

Thank you