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Engineering Library Newsletter: October / November 2019

This library newsletter for faculty and students keeps you informed of our activities, services and resources.

Peer-reviewed video collections




JoVE is the world's first and only peer-reviewed scientific video journal that increases productivity. It creates the ultimate solutions for advancing research and science education by making and publishing videos of scientific experiments from the top laboratories around the globe. JoVE creates scientific video collections. Some of the JoVE unique resources include: JoVE Journal, JoVE Science Education and JoVE Core.

Jove Journal. Chemistry.

Jove Chemistry includes techniques for fundamental and applied research in organic, inorganic, analytical and physical chemistry. (452 VIDEO ARTICLES)

Jove Journal. Engineering.

Jove Engineering includes research methods and protocols for mechanical, electrical, materials and chemical engineering applications. (454 VIDEO ARTICLES)

Jove Science Education. Engineering.

Jove Science Education. Engineering provides key concepts and fundamental techniques in Engineering - Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Engineering. Aeronautical Engineering (launched in October 2019).

In addition to the above Wits now has access to JoVE Unlimited that include all Science Education and Research video collections.

You have access to...


Access to technical papers from the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) from 1908-present, full-text from 1998-present.


African Journals is the most comprehensive searchable collection of full text electronic South African journals in the world, focuses on making journals published in South Africa, available online (previously SA ePublications).


An engineering platform integrating technical information with analytical and search tools. It can be used to conduct technical research, select materials, test and create designs, improve processes, document project plans and more. The Library’s subscription also allows full text access to the following e-book collections:

Chemistry & Chemical Engineering

Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering

Mining Engineering & Extractive Metallurgy


The Learning and Technology Library (LearnTechLib) is an online resource of peer-reviewed and published international journal articles and proceedings papers on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of educational technology and e-learning.

Wartenweiler Library Renovation

What's OLD in the Library?

We always report on "Whats New" but let's not forget the Engineering Library houses a valuable collection of Old Books. These books are located in the Engineering library Store section and are still popular with our users.

Wisdom Box