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For Pharmacotherapy see "Drug Therapy"
Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Analgesics for Osteoarthritis Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 4
Class Review: Antiepileptic Drugs for Indications Other Than Epilepsy
Class Review: Beta2-Agonists
Drug Class Review: Calcium Channel Blockers
Drug Class Review: Constipation Drugs
Class Review: Inhaled Corticosteroids
Class Review: Oral Hypoglycemics
Class Review: Quick-relief Medications for Asthma
Class Review: Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors
and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics Comparative
Effectiveness Reviews, No. 6
Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Dependence
For information about the number of concurrent users with access to each book, click the blue "i" after the title
"a book published usually under the jurisdiction of the government and containing a list of drugs, their formulas, methods for making medicinal preparations, requirements and tests for their strength and purity, and other related information."
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pharmacopoeia [viewed 11th February 2014]
In addition to the pharmacy books, you will often need to refer to other biomedical books for other courses you are studying, or for backgraound reading.
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