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WHSL Physiology: Books

This is the first place to look for physiology information

Finding electronic books

IF YOU KNOW THE TITLE (or words in the title) OF A BOOK, click on the link below to open a search box where you can enter the title, or part of the title, of the book you need. Click on the e-books tab to search for electronic books by title

 Please select one of the following options, from the drop down list. 

  • Match all words (enter the full journal title)
  • Match exact words (enter the words exactly as they appear in the journal title)
  • Match any words (enter any words that may appear in the journal title) 

For subject searching, you need to go to one of the databases such as PubMed.

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More E-Books

There is a complete list of all the Health Sciences e-books on the LibGuide below. Use the tabs headed E-Books (Alphabetical List) or E-Books (MeSH Headings). 

Book Recommendations

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Reference books listed in alphabetical order

Essential Print books