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TTP : Targeting Talent Information Literacy Sessions: Lesson 2 : Journals & Journal Articles/Database

TTP/ TDP aims to increase the academic, social and psychological preparation of academically talented learners from disadvantaged and better resourced backgrounds to access higher education opportunities.

Journal articles & Book References

Exercise : Identify the following and provide the type of reference (page 9)

  • Schmitz, Hubert 1995, Small Shoemakers and Fordist Giants: Tale...,Worl Development Vol.23(1).pp. 9-28

  • Cradall Stephen H. 1956. "Engineering analysis : a survey of numerical procedures" New York, McGraw-Hill

Searching the e-Wits Catalogue Examples - Book Title : Algebra; Author : Kani, J; Jnl Title: Applied Geography

Exercise : e-Wits & Searching (page 9)


         Find the following online article

"Tsunami exposure estimation with land cover..." from the following journal: Applied Geography, Vol. 29, Issue 2, 2009 and open the PDF

What is the shelf number of the journal Algebra universalis and from which library will you find it?


What is the shelf number of : Elementary Tertiary Mathematics with Geometry?

Up to what volume..... continue from the handout

Ebscohost Database e.g. Kidney Transplant

Exercise : Searching Ebscohost (page 11)

Find images on "liver surgery"

continue from Handout