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Science - Biophy Library: Home

Welcome to the Biophy subject guide. Within this guide, you will find useful information to help you make the most of the resources that the library has to offer.


Welcome to the Biophy library. This guide introduces you to library services, resources and facilities available to you. Please do not hesitate to  contact us for further enquiries and feedback about this guide. We are here to help you become proficient in finding, evaluating and integrating information into your assignments. Our contact details are on the right of the page, or come visit at the Lower ground of the Oppenheimer Life Sciences building. 


Library Calendar

Library Events

About Biological & Physical Sciences Library (BioPhy Library)

Situated in the basement of the Oppenheimer Life Sciences (OLS) Building, East Campus. Biophy is the scientific library and covers the following schools: Animal, Plant & Environmental Sciences (APES), Chemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology (MCB) and Physics.         

Biophy Library holds approximately 60,000 print journal volumes and 25 thousand books. Some journals are received both in print and online.

A Special collection, the Paine Collection (History of Physics), is housed in the BioPhy Library.

Bound Journals from 1992 - the present are housed in the Library.

Journals from 1976 - 1991 are kept at the compactus (moveable shelving) at the back of the Library, downstairs.

Bound journals can be borrowed for 3 days , unbound current journals can be borrowed for 1 day.

Overnight books are issued out at 12:00 midday and MUST be returned the following day before 9:30am.

Books can be renewed over telephone except Overnight books by telephone 011 7171960, There is a book return box close to the library main entrance where items can be returned at any time.

Operating hours

Weekdays (Monday - Thursday)           08h00-20h00
Fridays    08h00-17h00
Sunday and Public holidays    Closed

Borrowing privileges

Undergraduates               6 books for 7 days, extendable over teaching practice
Honours & 4th Years       8 books for 14 days
Masters                            12 books for 30 days
PhD                                  15 books for 30 days
Staff                                  30 books for 45 days

Books may be renewed twice unless needed by another patron. Renewals may be done  at
Fines are charged at 50c per day for books from the open shelves; R2 per hour for Reserve items; and R1 per day for three-day loan items and journals. Fines are paid electronically. Overdue notices are sent automatically to your Wits e-mail address.

Faculty Library Manager

Profile Photo
nolusindiso skeyi-phurutsi
Oppenheimer Life Sciences Building
Lower Ground Floor Room LG15, East Campus, No.1 Jan Smuts Avenue Braamfontein 2050
+27 (0)11 717 1973

Research Librarian - Research Services

Profile Photo
Sihle Blose
Oppenheimer Life Sciences Building
Lower Ground Floor Room LG15, East Campus, No.1 Jan Smuts Avenue Braamfontein
+27 (0)11 717 4354


Library Assistant: Darly Ndlovu: +27 (0)11 717 1960

Library Assistant: Ntombi Nkutha: +27 (0)11 717 1960