The Library has subscribed to PressReader, a digital newsstand of 7250+ newspapers and magazines that can be read in plain text, or in full-page, full-colour format. It includes local, regional and international publications, with a rolling backfile of up to 90 days.
Access details
Currently registered students and staff can access the collection directly via the Library, or by downloading the app for reading on a mobile device.
- Via the Library website (laptop or workstation)
- Using an internet browser, go to the Library home page
- Scroll down to the section headed “E-Resources
- Select “Databases”.
- This will take you to the Library’s A-Z list of online databases
- Select the “P” tab
- Scroll down until you find the link for “PressReader”
- You will not be required to log in if you are on campus.
- Off campus users will be presented with a login screen and asked to enter their surname, staff/student number and PIN
- Using the PressReader app (mobile phone, tablet or e-reader)
The Pressreader app is free and can be used on devices using Android or IOS
- First, create a PressReader account
- Go to the PressReader website
- In the upper right corner of the page, click on Sign In
- At the bottom of the popup window, click on New User? Sign up now
- Complete the required fields, using your Wits email address, then click on
Create My Account
- PressReader will send you an email asking you to confirm your email address
- Next, download the PressReader app
- Open the app on your device
- Sign in with the PressReader account that you created (above)
- Once authenticated, you will be given 30 days’ seamless access.
When this expires, you will need to sign in to the PressReader app again.