Databases listed alphabetically by title
Terms and conditions of use
The license agreements governing the electronic resources available through the University of the Witwatersrand Library permit the content to be used for scholarly, non-commercial purposes only, by authorized staff and students of the University. The systematic downloading, distribution, printing or retention of substantial portions of content, such as entire journal issues, or the transmitting of online content to mailing lists, is strictly prohibited. Users are advised that any breaches of the University’s contractual agreements with publishers could result in the suspension of access to the resource for the entire University community.
Remote Access to the electronic resources is available to currently registered staff and students of the University. Off-campus users should note that they will be prompted for their staff or student number and PIN. For additional assistance, ask a librarian.
** To find individual electronic publications by title, or to browse publications by discipline, use the e-Publication Portal.
Access Anesthesiology
A pain management, critical care and perioperative medicine database; includes textbooks, videos, self-assessment resources and drug data.
Access Emergency Medicine
An online tool that allows users to quickly search for the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of emergency cases; includes videos.
Access Engineering
Full-text access to McGraw-Hill’s engineering publications; also includes instructional videos, interactive tables and charts.
Access Medicine
A comprehensive resource for pre-clinical and clinical medicine
Access Pharmacy
An online resource covering core curricular topics. Browse by organ system, review textbooks or search across leading pharmacy references
Access Physiotherapy
Full-text access to leading Physiotherapy textbooks; includes a cadaver dissection tool, images, videos and self-assessment questions
Access Surgery
An integrated online resource that provides medical students, surgical residents and practicing surgeons with quick answers to surgical inquiries form trusted sources.
Access World News - Africa
Full text access to current African news sources, 1997- present. Consists predominantly of African newspapers, but also includes news wires, magazines and other sources
Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
A five-part collection of gross-anatomy videos organized by anatomical region. Each section offers in depth coverage of the bones, joints, muscles and more.
Africa Portal
A full-text collection of books, journals and documents on African policy issues. Covers conflict resolution, food security, health, migration and climate change. Part of the African Initiative project of the Centre for International Governance Innovation, and the SA Institute of International Affairs.
Africa-Wide Information
A multidisciplinary bibliographic database covering information on Africa and South Africa
African Journal Archive
A full-text open access, multidisciplinary digital archive of research published in Africa
African Newspapers - Series 1: 1800-1924
Full text access to African newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries; includes over 30 titles from South Africa in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, as well as foreign language titles from Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe
African Writers Series
Full text access to the complete collection of key modern African literary texts published by Heinemann. It has a unique importance in the history of postcolonial writing.
AIP Complete
Full text access to the publications of the American Institute of Physics, 1930 - present
Scholarly materials contributed by Aluka's partners, ranging from archival documents, periodicals, books, reports, manuscripts, and reference works, to three-dimensional models, maps, oral histories, plant specimens, photographs, and slides.
American Chemical Society Journals
Full text access to the journals of the American Chemical Society, including the full archive; Covers scientific advancements not only in chemistry but also in agriculture, engineering, environmental sciences, medicine and physics.
Annual Reviews Science Collection
A full-text collection of highly cited primary research journals in the biomedical, physical and life sciences.
An index of articles from international and South African architectural journals to enable users to access information on architects, buildings, building materials and methods, design theory, urban design and more. Coverage: 1985 - present
A multidisciplinary index of journal articles; includes tables of contents. Provides a list of libraries that keep the journal
An open access repository of e-prints in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics.
ASCE Journals
Full text access to journals of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1983 - present
Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library
A repository of resources supporting computing research and practice. Includes foundational articles by pioneers in the field from as far back as 1951 to the present.
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
An index covering worldwide research in architecture, urban design, historic preservation and urban planning history. Covers both scholarly and popular periodical literature.
A global database of banks' financial statements, ratings and intelligence from Fitch. Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Capital Intelligence. Includes risk profiles, economic and financial country-reports, stock data for listed banks, original filings, detailed bank structures, business and M&A news.
Bates’ Visual Guide
A clinical skills video series for use in medicine, nursing and patient rehabilitation. It illustrates head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques.
Bentham Organic Chemistry Journals
A small collection of organic chemistry journals published by the STM publishers Bentham Science.
Best Practice
Evidence-based resource for each condition including a summary, definition, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment. There are links to the full text of Martindale.
Bibliography of the History of Art
Provided by the Getty Research Institute: indexes journal articles that focus on scholarly writing about the history of western art.
BioMed Central
Open access peer-reviewed biomedical research.
Full text access to journals in the fields of organism biology, ecology, zoology and environmental science
BIOSIS Previews Archive: 2000-2009
Life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation and animal studies. Includes Biological Abstracts, plus proceedings, book and patent-records.
Blackwell Reference Online
Full text access to the 2009 collection of scholarly reference works in the humanities and social sciences. Includes the Blackwell Companions and Handbooks, as well as dictionaries and encyclopedias. The content now resides on the Wiley platform.
Book Review Index Plus
An index to book reviews from approximately 600 scholarly and popular English-language publications with links to full-text reviews.
Britannica ImageQuest
A database of over a million rights-cleared digital images from over 50 of the best collections in the world, including: Action Plus, Photo Researchers, akg-images.
Britannica Online - Academic Edition
Full text online version of the well-known encyclopedia; an authoritative multidisciplinary reference and research resource; includes Britannica's latest article database, articles not found in the print Britannica, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth Edition), Britannica's Book of the Year, as well as links to other World Wide Web sites selected by Britannica editors
Business Monitor Online
Covers global country risk, financial markets, industry- and company intelligence, analyses, data, and forecasts for 175 countries and 22 industry sectors. This database is accessed using your Wits University login (not your library login) - for example, "staff / student" and your normal network password.
Cambridge Core Books and Journals
A multidisciplinary database providing full-text access to the journals published by Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge e-Textbooks
Provides full-text access to the complete multidisciplinary collection of textbooks published by Cambridge University Press.
A free chemical structure database providing fast text- and structure-search access to over 28 million structures from hundreds of data sources.
CINAHL Ultimate
CINAHL Ultimate is the definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more or the most used journal in the CINAHL index that any other database. It covers more than 50 nursing specialities and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments.
Provides full-text access to over 600 of Elsevier's journals, 1000 books, and 9,000 medical and procedural videos. These includes journals, books, practice guidelines, patient education, drug information and MEDLINE citations and abstracts from PubMed.
Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library contains high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. It includes reliable evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews, clinical trials, and more. Cochrane reviews bring you the combined results of the world s best medical research studies, and are recognised as the gold standard in evidence-based health care.
Concrete Institute
The Cement and Concrete Institute Library database contains more than 40 000 technical references on all aspects of cement and concrete.
CREDO Reference Online
A multidisciplinary collection of online reference resources, including major general and subject encyclopaedias, foreign language dictionaries, and biographical sources. For additional information on the subject collections, consult the CREDO guides
CSIRO Journals
A full-text collection of the journals put out by the publishing arm of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Covers a wide range of scientific disciplines, including agriculture, plant and animal sciences, chemistry, health and the environment.
Current & Completed Research
An index of South African research projects covering the social sciences, humanities, economic and management sciences. It includes master s and doctoral theses of South African universities, as well as information on research projects from non-governmental organisations, private sector and government departments.
Digital Theatre+
An online platform for the performing arts, including theatre, dance, opera and film. Content includes recordings of complete live performances, together with interviews that explore the production process and the interpretive choices made. Additional resources include study guides, theory and criticism, workshops and productions transcripts.
Directory of Open Access Books
Provides a searchable index to peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes published in open access
Directory of Open Access Journals
Provides a searchable index to peer-reviewed scholarly journals published in open access.
Duke University Press Journals Online
Provides full-text access to the journals published by Duke University Press. Multidisciplinary coverage; particularly strong in the humanities and social sciences, but includes some science titles.
A multidisciplinary collection of databases. Search across a selected number of them here or choose individual databases from the list below.
Provides full text access to journals in the fields of management, accounting, finance and economics, as well as education, and information and knowledge management. Full text from 1994 - present.
EMIS Global
Provides company, industry, macroeconomic and financial data over more than 80 emerging markets worldwide.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Centre)
A source of education information, with abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice.
A global financial markets, company and economic research data platform. Provides detailed information for over 122 000 listed companies from 130 stock exchanges, plus over 21 000 economic data series from 70 sources for over 250 countries. Company information includes market data (price data and estimates), shareholding and ownership, company news, currencies, commodities, indices, fundamental analysis, peer analysis and stock screening. The wide range of economic data includes economic time series data, economic news and publications, and an economic calendar tracking release dates of key economic data events. Note: No passwords required. Click on the "Sign in" button to begin.
Essential Evidence Plus
A medical, evidence-based, point-of-care, clinical decision support system that provides access to over 13,000 topics, guidelines, abstracts, and summaries.
Essential Science Indicators
An analytical research tool providing access to science performance statistics, and science trends data based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Thomson Scientific databases.
Filmakers Library Online
A multidisciplinary database of nearly 1000 internationally sourced documentary films produced from 1978 - present by national film bodies and notable independent film makers. Covers areas such as race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature and more.
A collection of publications from forestry, wood science and nature conservation research institutes in SA and worldwide; includes proceedings of major international and national forestry conferences.
Forward to Freedom: The history of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement 1959- 1994
An archive documenting the history of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. It describes the campaigns it organised, such as the consumer and sports boycotts, arms embargo and support for political prisoners, and the groups involved, ranging from students and trade unions to local authorities and professional groups. Includes videos, documents, posters, photographs, badges and other items.
Online access to: Bibliography of North American Geology, Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America, Geophysical Abstracts, and the Bibliography and Index of Geology
A full-text collection of peer reviewed literature in the geosciences; includes a core collection of journals, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.
Germanistik Online Datenbank: 1960-2010
A bibliographic database indexing articles on study and history of the German language, from 1960 - 2010. Includes monographic studies, collected volumes and journals from the areas of literature, theatre studies, media studies, cultural history, and linguistics.
Global Consumption Database
A collaboration between the World Bank's Development Data Group and the IFC. Provides datasets covering consumer spending patterns in developing countries, based on government surveys of more than one million households in more than 90 countries.
Global Financial Data
A comprehensive source of historical economic and financial time-series data covering 150 countries and 6,500 different data series. Includes data on stock markets from 1690, exchange rates from 1590, interest rates from 1700, commodities from 1500, and inflation from 1264.
Access to the data is by username and password. First-time users need to register online here for an account.
Global Plants
A comprehensive database for the study of plants; brings together plant specimen images, reference- and primary-source material from over 270 herbaria across the world.
Government Gazettes: 1994 - present
Provides access to the full text South African Government Gazette and Weekly Government Gazette Index.Find earlier copies of the Gazettes in the Retrospective Government Gazette Archive: 1910-1993
Grove Music Online
Online resource for music research. Includes full text access to The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, The Oxford Companion to Music (2002) and The Oxford Dictionary of Music
A digital platform covering law and legal history. Includes journals, government documents, international law resources and cases.
Henry Stewart Talks: Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection
A collection of audio-visual lectures, seminar-style talks, and case studies presented by experts in biomedicine and life sciences.
ICE Virtual Library
Provides full text access to the journals, conference proceedings and magazines published by the Institution of Civil Engineers from 1836 – present.
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
The ICSD is an exhaustive list of known inorganic crystal structures published since 1913, including their atomic co-ordinates. The ICSD data is curated, comprehensive, and provides the basis for finding answers to questions in materials research.
IEEE Xplore
A collection of technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics from the IEEE. Provides citations and abstracts for periodicals and conference proceedings of the IEEE and IEE, and full text access to 120 online IEEE society-sponsored journals and magazines from 1998 - present
IET Digital Archive
Online access to all of the journals produced by the IET from 1871 to 1993. Includes the entire back-file of Electronic Letters from 1965 onwards
IMF Online Statistical Data
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. Datasets include direction of trade statistics; global, regional and country financial, investment and balance of payment data,
A customized, citation-based research evaluation tool that enables you to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark your output against peers worldwide. There are three modules: Research Performance Profiles, Institution Profiles and Global Comparisons.
** Access to the website is by username and password. First-time users can create an account on the database home page.
Institute for Security Studies
Full text access to the publications of the ISS from 2001 - present; includes African security review, ISS monograph series, ISS papers, Nedbank ISS crime index.
Institute of Physics Journals
Full text access to the journals published by the Institute of Physics, 1874 - present.
International Country Risk Guide
The International Country Risk Guide is a commercial source of country risk analyses and ratings. Updated monthly, it monitors 141 countries. Each issue provides financial, political and economic risk information and forecasts. Statistical tables assign values to the over 30 indicators underlying the ICRG's business-oriented model for quantifying risk, examining country-specific elements such as currency risk, political leadership, the military and religion in politics, and corruption.
International Encyclopaedia for Criminal Law Online
This online reference manual is part of the International Encyclopedia of Laws Series. It provides access to legal expertise, practical legal information, and insight into criminal law procedure in both national and global contexts.
International Index to Music Periodicals with Full Text
IIMP Full Text is a music information resource with indexing, abstracts and selected full text from many sources, covering the scholarly to the popular. Offering the widest span of scholarship available, IIMP Full Text ranges from 1874 to the most recent issues.
IRESS Expert
A South African financial reporting database; provides historical and fundamental information on South African and international listed and unlisted companies. Covers published financials from 1988, standardized financials from 1971, and preliminary and interim financials.
** Access is limited to ten concurrent users. Kindly log out at the end of your session.
ISAP (Index to South African Periodicals)
An index of articles from more than 900 South African periodicals.
JAMAevidence is a resource with innovative interactive and pedagogical features designed to help students and clinicians learn the best practice of evidence-based medicine. This electronic tool provides full-text access to the content in the second edition of The Users' Guides to the Medical Literature and The Rational Clinical Examination. Users will find everything from classic references that demystify basic principles to customizable worksheets that allow them to systematically apply evidence-based medicine to their cases and build a library of their own critically appraised topics
Journal Citation Reports
The Journal Citation Reports is an essential, comprehensive, and unique resource for journal evaluation, using citation data drawn from over 11655 scholarly and technical journals worldwide. Coverage is both multidisciplinary and international, and incorporates journals from over 3,300 publishers in 80 nations.
Jove Journal - BioEngineering
.JoVE Bioengineering includes methods and tools that apply engineering to life science research for the study of biological processes and development of new therapies and diagnostics.
Jove Journal - Engineering
Jove Engineering includes research methods and protocols for mechanical, electrical, materials and chemical engineering applications.
JoVE Video Journal - Chemistry
A peer reviewed video collection demonstrating experimental techniques with detailed protocols for fundamental and applied research in organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry.
JoVE Science Education - Basic Biology
A video library covering general laboratory techniques and safety; laboratory animal research; methods in cellular and molecular biology; model organisms and vertebrate species commonly used in life sciences research.
JoVE Science Education - Chemistry
A video library aimed at teaching the fundamentals of chemistry through simple easy-to-understand video demonstrations. Covers general chemistry, organic- and inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and biochemistry.
Jove Science Education - Engineering
Jove Science Education Engineering provides key concepts and fundamental techniques in Engineering - Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Engineering
Jove Unlimited
Jove Unlimited is a video library dedicated to teaching scientific fundamentals through easy-to-understand video demonstrations. It is aimed at science students and researchers at all levels. The videos illustrate basic and advanced concepts and methods as well as novel experimental research.
JSTOR's archival journal collections include more than two thousand journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Coverage begins at the first volume and issue of the journal ever published, and extends up to a publication date usually set in the past three to five years.
JSTOR Open Access Books
A collection of 6,000 Open Access e-books from over 75 publishers, including Brill, Cornell University Press, De Gruyter, and University of California Press, and others
South African law reports, statutes, journals and other commentary publications to meet the requirements of a range of legal information users. Subject coverage ranges from administrative, civil procedure, commercial, constitutional, criminal, intellectual property, international, labour, mining, revenue and shipping law.
A video streaming service providing access to more than 30,000 independent and documentary films ─ titles of unique social and cultural value from The Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, Media Education Foundation, and thousands of independent filmmakers. Enjoy critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award-winning foreign films and more.
Kluwer Arbitration Law
Covers material in the field of international commercial arbitration. Created by Kluwer Law International in association with the Institute for Transnational Arbitration and the International Council of Commercial Arbitration.
Kluwer Competition Law
A collection of primary source material,commentary and analysis of EU Competition Law. The database has been organized into the specific competition law topics of antitrust, mergers and state aid.
Kluwer Law Online
A collection of 25 journals on law and arbitration, taxation, environmental law, competition law, global trade, foreign affairs, and related subjects.
Knovel e-book collections
An engineering platform integrating technical information with analytical and search tools. It can be used to conduct technical research, select materials, test and create designs, improve processes, document project plans and more. The Library’s subscription also allows full text access to the followining e-book collections
Kovsidex Articles are selected according to the needs of the primary clients of the University of the Orange Free State. Also includes Research Institute for Education Planning (Riep) which covers a wide range of reference works on the theory and practice of education dating back to 1975-1997.
A collection of peer-reviewed and published international journal articles and conference papers on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of Educational Technology and e-Learning.
Lexidrug (previously Lexicomp Online) is a comprehensive clinical database that provides access to current drug and disease information. Features include drug identification, drug dosing calculation, AHFS content, patient education materials, and more. Includes modules from Facts & Comparisons: Trissel’s IV Check; Drug Comparison Reviews; Comparative Data Tables; and Formulary Monograph Service.
LexisNexis Academic (This data base has had a change of name. Go to Nexis-Uni under the letter "N")
Lyell Collection
Database established by Geological Society of London in 2007. The collection holds earth sciences literature, including key journals, special publications and the Society’s book series.
A bibliographic database consisting of reviews and citations to global research literature in mathematics and related areas from 1940 - present
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
A comprehensive online resource containing peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of public international law. Written and edited by over 800 scholars and practitioners, published in partnership with the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law.
MEDLINE Ultimate
MEDLINE Ultimate offers medical professionals and researchers access to unmatched evidence-based and peer-reviewed full-text content from biomedical journals. It also offers more international journal coverage than any other MEDLINE databases.
Mental Measurements Yearbook
A comprehensive guide to over 3000 contemporary psychological tests and test reviews produced by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements at the University of Nebraska. It is designed for both novice test consumers and experienced professionals and contains information essential for a complete evaluation of test products in diverse areas.
Merck Index
An encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals with over 10 000 monographs on single substances or groups of related compounds published online by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
A bibliographic database containing the results of Mintek's original research in the fields of metals and industrial minerals. The database consists of reports, patents, special publications, and papers from 1931-2005.
Municipal By-Laws
An index of all existing bylaws in South African metropolitan, district, and local municipalities, with links to the full-text. Includes a list of disestablished municipalities, bylaws from previous municipalities not yet repealed, and bylaws published but not promulgated.
Music Industry Data (previously known as Academic Charts Online)
A repository of statistical chart data from the US, UK, Europe, South America and Asia, which measures the impact of music across countries and cultures; covers all genres from pop to classical, jazz and world music.
My LexisNexis
A full-text database covering South African business and law; includes both legislation and commentary. ** First time users will need to register first, using a Wits email address.
Information on current and completed research undertaken in what used to be South Africa's technikons..
NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations)
Provides access to a combined collection of electronic theses and dissertations from over a hundred universities around the world
All principal consolidated acts with their rules and regulations (1984- ) as well as all the significant principal acts before 1984.
Nexis-Uni (formerly known as LexisNexis Academic)
An economic, industry and legal database. Provides an overview of the latest economic events through global press reports; detailed company and industry information; and legal data from primary and secondary sources.
Provides information on current and completed projects in economics, science and the humanities. Includes master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations from South African universities, former technikons, and universities of technology, as well as the research, works from the government, non-government, and private sectors.
Nineteenth Century Collections: Europe and Africa
This archival collection of primary sources on colonialism and culture presents a dramatic, gripping chronicle of exploration and missions from the early nineteenth century through the Conference of Berlin in 1884 and the subsequent scramble for Africa. Unique sources provide a wealth of research topics on explorers, politicians, evangelists, journalists, and tycoons blinded by romantic nationalism or caught up in the competition for markets and converts. These monographs, manuscripts, and newspapers cover key issues of economics, world politics, and international strategy
OECD iLibrary
Provides full-text access to the full range of books, papers and statistics, as well as the analyses and data produced by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Aggregation of documents associated with mining and minerals sources from multiple societies. Includes technical and old AIME documents. Coverage dates back to the late 1800s.
A map-based research tool that enables users to locate information drawn from over 300,000 maps, cross sections, charts, figures and tables in articles published in 45 key geoscience journals. Complements the Library's GeoScienceWorld database.
Financial information on 65,000 listed and major unlisted/delisted companies worldwide (51,000 are non-US companies). Includes: standardised and "as reported" financials, SEC filings, detailed earnings estimates as well as recommendations, ownership, stock data, news and ratings. * Note: access to this database is limited to 2 simultaneous users.
Oxford Art Online
A collection of online art reference works produced by Oxford University Press, including Grove Art Online, the Benezit Dictionary of Artists, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, as well as many specially commissioned articles and bibliographies.
Oxford Bibliographies
A collection of authoritative research guides that point out the best available scholarship and research resources across a wide variety of subjects. The Library has access to the African Studies, International Affairs, and Political Science modules.
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
A guide to the meaning, history and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books
Oxford Handbooks Online
A full-text database that provides critical surveys of original research across 14 different subjects in the humanities and social sciences: Archaeology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Religion.Critically examines the progress and direction of debates in these fields and provides a foundation for future research. The Wits subscription does not include access to the handbooks on Neuroscience and Physics.
Oxford Journals Online
Full text access to the complete Oxford University Press journal collection from 1849 - present. Covers the fields of Humanities, Medicine, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, and Physical science
Oxford Music Online
A collection of Oxford music reference resources; includes Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, and The Oxford Dictionary of Music.
Oxford Reference Online
A multidisciplinary reference and research collection; covers 25 subject areas from architecture to zoology. Provides quick reference information together with authoritative, in-depth articles by world-famous authors. It also offers excellent functionality, and a wide range of additional material such as maps, illustrations and timelines.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias: African History
A comprehensive online research encyclopedia covering a careful selection of the most influential and useful primary and secondary materials on African history, from the earliest stone tool–using hominids to the most recent religious movements, or from new interpretations of the Mau Mau movement in Kenya to recent reconsideration of the Rwanda genocide and its aftermath. Incorporates audio, visual, and video materials, as well as links to digitized archives and other primary sources.
Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford Scholarship Online is a vast and rapidly expanding cross-searchable library which now offers quick and easy access to the full text of 2,257 Oxford books. In addition to Philosophy, Political Science, and Religion, Oxford Scholarship Online also offers access to new Oxford books in Classical Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature, Music, and Psychology.
Parlimentary Bills
Provides full-text access access to the South African Parliamentary Bills as they are introduced to the National Assembly.
Patai’s Chemistry of Functional Groups
Full text access to the electronic version of the long-standing Patai’s Chemistry of Functional Groups book series from 1964 - 2011. Covers all aspects of the chemistry of functional groups, including: physical organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and techniques, reaction mechanisms, chapters on synthetic pathways, reactions and strategies as well as applications in drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, biochemistry and molecular biology.
Philosopher's Index
A bibliographic database, covering scholarly research in fifteen fields of philosophy, published in journals and books since 1940.
Indexes the extended archive of the Department of Architecture at the University of Pretoria. Includes donations of the accumulated work of some of South Africa’s major architects, including original hand-drawn plans, elevations, sections, and diaries. The database includes diverse research reports, articles, frameworks, sketches and photographs.
Policy Documents
Policy Documents provides access to a policy document database of all submissions, policy documents and draft bills.
A digital newsstand of over 7250 international newspapers and magazines, including approximately 200 South African publications such as the Mail & Guardian, Business Day, Financial Times and the CitizenOnline. Keeps a rolling backfile of up to 90-days. Staff and students can access the collection directly online or download articles and entire publications onto a mobile device for reading offline using the PressReader mobile app. A more detailed access guide can be found here
An index of worldwide conference proceedings. Provides citations of every congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received at The British Library. Contains in each record a list of the papers presented at each conference.
Project Muse Journals
A collection 0f peer-reviewed academic journals published by university presses and scholarly societies. Disciplines covered include art, anthropology, literature, film, theatre, history, ethnic and cultural studies, music, philosophy, religion, psychology, sociology and women's studies.
ProQuest Central
A multidisciplinary cross-searchable collection of full text databases including
Provincial Gazettes
Provides full-text access to the South African Provincial Gazettes
A collection of psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools. Provides resources to assist with *diagnosis * treatment* latest research and news in the field * professional development * certification and CME support.
Full text access to journals from the American Psychological Association and the Canadian Psychological Association. Covers all aspects of the psychological and behavioural sciences and related fields such as education, nursing, business and neuroscience.
Full text access to the 2013 collection of scholarly and professional books published by the American Psychological Association
A bibliographic index of international literature in psychology and related behavioural and social sciences, including psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, education, pharmacology, and linguistics.
A full text repository of psychological tests and measures, as well as a rich source of structured information about the tests. Holds a wide variety of tests, including achievement and aptitude tests, intelligence tests, tests of cognitive functioning, occupational tests, personality tests.
A collection of video-recorded psychotherapy demonstrations by leading therapists in North America working with participants on a host of therapeutic topics. Useful tool for teaching and training in psychotherapy practice, and for education about psychology. Includes transcripts and a searchable index.
PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources.
Quantec EasyData ** First-time users will need to register on the site to gain access
An online collection of analytical databases of South African socio-economic indicators. EasyData is divided into the following 4 data collections:
Rand Daily Mail Archive: 1902-1985
Full text access to this iconic South Africa daily newspaper which was published from 1902 to 1985, and was known for its anti-Apartheid stance.
Reaxys ** Off Campus users need to register on the publisher's website using a Wits e-mail address.
A source of experimentally validated data about chemical structures, reactions (including multi-step reactions) and properties. It is made up of three chemistry databases:
Research Channel Africa
Detailed reports on key industrial sectors such as steel, electricity, defence and telecommunications, as well as on important African minerals including gold, platinum, diamonds and copper. An important business resource providing intelligence on industry and mining in Africa. * Access currently available on-campus only
Retrospective Government Gazette Archive: 1910 - 1993
The Sabinet Retrospective Government Gazette Archive contains more than 22 000 Government Gazettes covering the period 1910 to 1993.* For later copies of the Gazettes, from 1994 onwards, consult the Government Gazettes under "G"
An in-depth news and analysis platform covering financial risk management, derivatives and regulation.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Online resource for researching, teaching and studying in the philosophy arena and related disciplines.
Royal Society of Chemistry Journals
The Royal Society for Chemistry is a major publisher and provider of chemical information, supports the teaching of chemistry at all levels, organises hundreds of chemical meetings a year and is a leader in communicating science to the public.
SABINET African Journals (formerly known as SA ePublications)
A full-text collection of more than 430 African and Southern African journals focusing on information originating from or pertaining to Africa.
A multidisciplinary collection of bibliographic reference and South Africa journal databases
Sabinet Open Access Journal Collection
A multidisciplinary collection of South African full open access journals. Includes titles that are accredited by the DHET; full text availability varies according to title with journals going back to 2000
SACat reflects the collection of libraries in Southern Africa and contains bibliographic information referring to books, periodicals, audiovisual items and other information material.
SAE Technical Papers (Society of Automotive Engineering)
Full text access to the Technical Papers of the Society of Automotive Engineering, 1998- present. Covers the fields of aerospace, automotive and commercial-vehicle engineering.
A bibliographic database of journal articles, symposia, reports and maps held by the South African Council for Geoscience. Strong emphasis on Africa
SAGE Journals Online
A multi-disciplinary database providing full-text access to over 400 of the journals published by SAGE from 1999 - present
Sage Research Methods Core
Sage Research Methods is a tool designed to help researcher explore methods concepts, design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. The core subscription provides access to the e-book, reference and e-journal content only. It focuses specifically on research methodologies, and is not limited to specific disciplines.
SA Media
A full-text collection of South African publications - chiefly newspapers and periodicals - from 1978 onwards
SANB (South African National Bibliography)
The South African National Bibliography (SANB) is an accumulation of the bibliographic records of all items published in South Africa.
The overall aim of the Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net) is to enhance the provision of reliable and authoritative information on science- and technology-related issues that impact on the economic and social development of developing countries.
A multidisciplinary database providing full-text access to journals published by Elsevier, including the archival back issues. Strong in scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature, but also covers Arts, Humanities and Social sciences. Excludes association titles.
SciFinder-n ** First-time users need to create an account in order to access the database
A core research tool for chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, physics, environmental science and other science and engineering fields. The database has five components:
Chemical Abstracts (CAplus)
A bibliographic database that indexes journal articles and patent records, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, books, dissertations and meeting abstracts
CAS registry
A comprehensive list of organic and inorganic substances and sequences dating from 1957 - present
A database of single and multi-step reactions indexed from journal articles and patents dating from 1840- present
A catalogue of commercially available chemicals from more than 900 commercial chemical suppliers
A database of substances regulated national and international agencies. Includes the EINECS and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory
Scitable is a free, online educational resource for undergraduate biology students and educators. Currently focused on genetics, Scitable combines authoritative scientific information with social media functionality. Scitable provides students with free online access to more than 180 overviews of key genetics concepts. The overviews are evidence-based and have been vetted by Nature Publishing staff. By connecting with other Scitable users via groups, chat functionality, and other social media features, students can collaborate online with classmates or with a wider community of experts, researchers, and fellow students.
Scival is a research assessment tool that provides access to the performance metrics of 24 500 research institutions and their affiliated researchers across 234 nations worldwide. It enables users to measure their own research performance, benchmark it against global peers, identify emerging research trends, and map collaboration opportunities. The underlying data is drawn from the Scopus database which analyses and indexes over 30 million publications across multiple disciplines from 1996 to the present. ** First-time users need to create a personal account using their Wits email address and a personal password. Download the Scival guide.
SCOPUS ** Enhance your research using the newly added Scopus AI tool
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. It is designed to find the information scientists need. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides superior support of the literature research process.
SIAM Journals
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) has a comprehensive publishing program in applied and computational mathematics, and publishes eighteen peer-reviewed research journals.
South African Freedom Struggles (DISA)
A Guide to South Africa s Struggle for Democracy: anti- apartheid periodicals 1960-1994.
South African Institute of Race Relations
Full text access to the publications of the SAIRR. The Institute publishes widely on education, the economy, business, employment, crime, demographics, health, welfare, and politics, and provides commentary on government policy proposals and legislation.
South African National Standards
Provides full text access to the complete collection of national regulations and guidelines issued by the South African Bureau of Standards. The standards are specifications, codes of practice, and standardized methods that relate to products or commodities. They include descriptions of the commodities, their method of manufacture, handling, materials, properties and other relevant aspects
Springer Materials Archive (1961-2017)
A comprehensive materials science database providing information on materials, their properties, and uses, drawn from the Landolt-Börnstein series from 1961-2017.
A full-text, multi-disciplinary database providing electronic access to all the journals published by Springer
STAT!Ref will answer all of your clinical and medical questions quickly and accurately.
The Database of Approved Research Periodicals (NASOP 02-014) is compiled by the personnel of the Library and Information Service at the University of the Orange Free State. It lists all periodicals approved as research platforms.
Taylor & Francis Journals
A multidisciplinary database providing full-text access to over 1000 journals published by Taylor and Francis from 1997 - present.
UCTD (Union Catalogue for Theses and Dissertations)
A list of these and dissertations submitted to south African universities; includes honorary doctorates.
UN Comtrade
United Nations commodity trade statistics. Provides time series international trade data for 140+ countries by commodity and partner countries from 1962 to the most recently completed year.
This database service is part of a project launched by UNSD in 2005, called "Statistics as a Public Good", whose objectives are to provide free access to global statistics, to educate users about the importance of statistics for evidence-based policy and decision-making and to assist National Statistical Offices of member countries to strengthen their data dissemination capabilities
An electronic clinical resource tool for physicians and patients that provides information on Adult Primary Care and Internal Medicine. "Designed to provide physicians access to current clinical information. It addresses specific clinical issues in the form of topic reviews. According to UpToDate, it “is designed to get physicians the concise, practical answers they need when they need them most—at the point of care.” Topic reviews are written by physician experts who review the literature then synthesize the information into specific recommendations for diagnosis, management, and therapy." (J.A.Garrison.2003). Note: First-time users are required to register to use the database. Consult the UpToDate Registration Guide
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Web of Science: 1945 - present
An academic citation index of scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. Includes proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops and conventions.
An international collection of legal materials. Provides access to cases, statutes and journals in particular.
Who Owns Whom
Provides research on African business and economics. Covers corporate procurement, marketing intelligence, private equity and finance data for over 280 industries. Includes profiles of significant JSE-listed, unlisted, state and multinational corporations.
Wiley Online Library
A multidisciplinary database providing full-text access to the journals published by Wiley. Strong focus on Science, Technology and Medicine. Most full text coverage from 1997 - present.
World Bank - World Development Indicators
World Bank - Global Development Finance
WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
Worldcat contains books and other materials in libraries worldwide. Contains all the records cataloged by (OCLC) member libraries.
World Newspaper Archive: African Newspapers 1800- 1922
Full text access to African newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries; over 30 titles from South Africa in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, as well as foreign language titles from Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe
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There are no databases in this section
Zentralblatt MATH
A comprehensive abstracting and reviewing database for pure and applied mathematics. Coverage includes published and refereed articles, books, conferences from 1826 – present.