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Agriculture: Government Publications: Commisions

Government information on agriculture in South Africa and links to agriculture in some African countries.

UG Series

Land and Agricultural Bank (Transvaal) Report 1910/1911 UG 7 1911

Land and Agricultural Loan Fund (O.F.S) Report UG 9 1911

Agriculture Department (O.F.S) Report 1909/1910 UG 23 1911

Agriculture (Transvaal) Annual Report 1908/1909 UG 46 1911

Agriculture Department Report 1910 UG 16 1912

Agriculture Department South Africa fresh fruit export trade UG 25 1912

Land and Agricultural Loan Fund Natal. Board of Commisioners Annual Report 1911/1912 UG 26 1912

Land and Agricultural Loan Fund (Natal) Annual Report UG 44 1912

Land and Agricultural Bank Transvaal Report  1911/1912 UG 47 1912

Agriculture Department Report UG 54 1911

Land Agricultural loan fund (O.F.S) 1911/1912 UG 8 1913

Wineries co-operative loans Ug 14 1913

Agriculture Department Annual Report 1912/1913 UG 64 1913

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1913 UG 13 1914

Land and Agricultural Bank Report UG 34 1912

Agricultural Department Report with Appendices UG 47 1913/1914

Agriculture Department Report 1913/1914 UG 2 1915

Land and Agricultural Bank Report   1914 UG 20 1915

Agriculture Department of Agriculture Education  1913/1914 UG 26 1915

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1915 UG 12 1916

Agriculture Department Report  1914/1915 UG 35 1916

Agriculture Department Report 1915/1916 UG 25 1917

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1916 UG 26 1917

Agriculture Department . Agriculture Education Report UG 28 1915/1916

Agriculture Department . Agriculture Education Report  1916/1917 UG 2 1918

Ostrich Feather Commission Report UG 12 1918

Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa Report   1917 UG 28 1918

Agriculture Department Report 1917/1918 UG 39 1918

Agriculture Department Agricultural Education Report  1917/1918 UG 47 1918

Committee of Enquiry into Taxation of Incomes from Farming Corperations Report UG 3 1919

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1918 UG 20 1919

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1919 UG 33 1920

Agriculture Department Report 1918/1919 UG 40 1919

Departmental Committee on Wheat Growing Report UG 42 1919

Agriculture Department Agricultural Education Report  1918/1919  UG 5 1920

 Land and Agriculture Bank Report UG 9 1920

Agriculture Department Annual Report  1919/1920 UG 13 1921

Land and Agriculture Bank Report  1921 UG 16 1921

Committee on Agricultural Education 1922 UG 26 1923

 Land and Agricultural Bank UG 10 1922

 Livestock Report of a departmental commission 1923 UG 1 1924

 Land and Agricultural Bank 1923 UG 17 1924

 Land and Agricultural Bank 1924 UG 24 1925

 Land and Agricultural Bank Report 14 1920 UG 22 1926

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 15 UG 12 1926

Fruit Export Trade Committee of enquiry UG 19 1925

Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa Report 1929 UG 16 1929

 Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1928  UG 18 1929

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 15 UG 12 1930

 Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1931 UG 13 1932

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1932 UG 15 1933

Co-operation and Agricultural Commission Report UG 16 1933

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1933 UG 17 1934

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1934 UG 15 1935

Wine Commision Annual Report 1935/1937 UG 25 1937

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1935 UG 16 1936

Pre-cooling of Deciduous Fruit Commission UG 51 1935

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1937/1938 UG 11 1939

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1936 UG 17 1937

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1937 UG 16 1938

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1939 UG 13 1940 

Industrial and Agricultural Requirements Commission UG 33 1940

Land and Agricultural Bank Report UG 13 1940

Wheat milling Joint Report by Board  UG 22 1941

Wheat Commission Report UG 38 1941

Land and Agricultural Bank Report  1941 UG 15 1942

Meat Commission Report UG 10 1944

Meat Trade Cost Committee UG 47 1945

Wool Conference London UG 36 1945

Abattoir and Cold Storage Committee Report UG 21 1946

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1947 UG 11 1948

Deciduous Fruit Board and Dried Fruit Board Accounts 1945/1946 UG 37 1947

Soil Conservation Board Annual Report 1 1946/1947 UG 13 1948

Dried Fruit Board Accounts 1946/1947 UG 63 1948

Agriculture and Pastoral Production 1945/1946 UG 77 1948

Agriculture and Pastoral Production no 21 1946/1947 UG 57 1949

Potato Board Accounts 1946/1947 UG 14 1949

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1948 UG 16 1949

Deciduous Fruit Board. Report on Accounts 1946/1947 UG 17 1949

Wool Disposals Organization.  Report on Accounts 1946/1947 UG 26 1949 

 Controller and Auditor General Report on Accounts South Africa Wool Disposals Organization 1947/1948 UG 10 1950

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1949 UG 17 1950

Soil Conservation Board Annual Report 2-3 1942/1948-1948/1949 UG 18 1950

 Deciduous Fruit Board Accounts 1947/1948 UG 56 1950

South Africa Wool disposals Organization Accounts 1948/1949 UG 58 1950

Wheat Industry Control Board Accounts 1947/1948 UG 64 1950

Mealie Industry Control Board Accounts 1947/1948 UG 67 1950

Dried Fruit Board Accounts 1948/1949 UG 68 1950

Potato Board Accounts 1947/1948 UG 71 1950

Livestock Meat Industry Control Board Accounts 1948/1949 UG 73 1950

Citrus Board Accounts 1948/1949 UG 10 1951

Land and Agricultural Bank Report UG 17 1951

Soil Conservation Board Annual Report 4 1949/1950 UG 32 1951

Potato Board Accounts 1948/1949 UG 35 1951

Deciduous Fruit Board Accounts Report 1948/1949 UG 41 1951

Livestock and Meat Industries Control Accounts 1949/1950 UG 48 1951

South Africa Wool Disposals Organization Report on Accounts 1949/1950 UG 49 1951

Dried Fruit Board Accounts 1949/1950 UG 54 1951

Mealie Industry Control Board Accounts 198/1949 UG 63 1951

Mealie Industry Control Board Accounts 1949/1950 UG 67 1951

Wheat Industry Control Board Accounts 1948/1949 UG 15 1952

Wheat Industry Control Board Accounts 1949/1950 UG 16 1952

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1951 UG 21 1952

Citrus Board Accounts 1949/1950 UG 23 1952

Soil Conservation Board 5th Annual Report 1952 UG 27 1952

South Africa Wool Disposals Organisations Accounts 1950/1951 UG 38 1952

Deciduous Fruit Board Accounts 1949/1950 UG 47 1952

Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board Accounts 1950/1951 UG 48 1952

Dairy Industry Control Board Accounts 1949/1950 UG 49 1952

Potato Board Accounts 1949/1950 UG 61 1952

Citrus Board Accounts Report 1950/1951 UG 64 1952

Dried Fruit Board Accounts 1950/1951 UG 66 1952

Wheat Industry Control Board 1950/1951 UG 10 1953

Mealie Industry Control Board Accounts 1950/1951 UG 12 1953

Land and Agricultural Bank Report 1952 UG 14 1953

Dairy Industry Control Board Accounts 1950/1951 UG 18 1953

Deciduous Fruit Board Accounts 1950/1951 UG 20 1953

Soil Conservation Board 1951/1952 UG 24 1953

Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board Accounts 1951/1952 UG 28 1953

Potato Board Accounts 1950/1951 UG 38 1953

Dried Fruit Board Accounts 1951/1952 UG 48 1953

Dairy Industry Control Board Accounts 1951/1952 UG 10 1954

Wheat Industry Control Board Accounts 1951/1952 UG 14 1954

Citrus Board Accounts 1951/1952 UG 17 1954

Mealie Industry Control Board Accounts 1951/1952 UG 22 1954

Land and Agricultural Bank Annual Report 1953 UG 24 1954

Deciduous Fruit Board Accounts 1951/1952 UG 25 1954

Dried Fruit Board Account 1952/1953 UG 27 1954

Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board Accounts 1952/1953 UG 31 1954

Citrus Board Accounts 1952/1953 UG 37 1954

South Africa Wool Disposals Organization Accounts 1951/1953 UG 55 1954

Potato Board Accounts 1951/1952 UG 63 1954

Oilseed Control Board Accounts 1952/1953 UG 64 1954

Potato Board Accounts 1952/1953 UG 65 1954

South Africa Wool Board Accounts UG 9 1955

Citrus Board Accounts 1953/1954 UG 12 1955

Soil Conservation Board 1952/1954 UG 13 1955

Dairy Industry Control Board 1952/1953 UG 14 1955

Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board Accounts 1953/1954 UG 15 1955

Deciduous Fruit Board Accounts 1952/1953 UG 16 1955

Dried Fruit Board Accounts 1953/1954 UG 22 1955

Land and Agricultural Bank 1954 UG 23 1955

Egg Control Board Account 1953/1954 UG 27 1955

Accounts of Mealie Industry Board 1953/1954 UG 35 1955

Oilseed Control Board 1953/1954 UG 49 1955

Wheat Industry Control Board. Acting Controller and Auditor General 1953/1954 UG 50 1955

Livestock and meat industries control board 1956 UG 12 1956

Egg Conrtol Board 1956 UG 13 1956

South Africa Wool Board.  Controller and Auditor General Report 1954/1955 UG 14 1956

Citrus Board 1956 UG 15 1956

Land and Agricultural Bank 1955 UG 19 1956

Soil Conservation Board 8th 1954/1955 UG 32 1956

Dairy Industry Control Board 1954/1955 UG 37 1956

Deciduous Fruit Board. Controller and Auditor General 1954/1955 UG 43 1956

Oilseed Control Board 1954/1955 UG 44 1956

Secretary for Agriculture 1955/1956 UG 45 1956

Mealy Industry Control Board 1954/1955 Controller and Auditor General UG 48 1956

Dried Bean Control Board May 1955 - Feb 1956 UG 50 1956

Wheat Industry Control Board. Auditor General 1954/1955 UG 12 1957

Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa 1956 UG 8 1957

Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa 1956 UG 18 1957

Soil Conservation 9th 1955/1956 UG 19 1957

Egg Control Board. Controller and Auditor General 1955/1956 UG 22 1957

Dried Fruit Board. Controller and Auditor General 1954/1955 UG 23 1957

Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board. Controller and Auditor General 1955/1956 UG 25 1957

Summary Report on Agricultural and Pastoral Production 1936/1937-1938/1938 and 1945/1946-1953/1954 UG 28 1957

Citris Board Controller and Auditor General 1955/1956 UG 30 1957

Deciduous Fruit Board 1955/1956 UG 55 1957

Mealie Industry Control Board. Auditor General 1955/1956 UG 11 1958

Soil Conservation Board no. 10 1956/1957 UG 12 1958

South African Wool Board Account.  Controller and Auditor General 1955/1956 UG 13 1958

Department of Agriculture 1956/1957 UG 20 1958

Dairy Industry Control Board Auditor General 1955/1956 UG 21 1958

Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa 1957 UG 23 1958

Oilseed Control Board 1955/1956 UG 24 1958

Dried Fruit Board. Auditor General 1955/1956 UG 28 1958

Wheat Industry Control Board. Accounts 1955/1956 UG 39 1958

Controller and Auditor General.  Accounts of the Dried Bean Control Board 1956 UG 46 1958

Report on Agricultural and Pastoral Production 1954/1955 (Agricultural Census no. 24) UG 49 1958

Report on Agricultural and Pastoral Production 1955/1956 UG 57 1958

Egg Control Board 1956/1957 UG 62 1958

Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board Accounts 1956/1957 UG 12 1959

Potato Board Accounts 1956/1957 UG 15 1959

South African Wool Board Accounts 1956/1957 UG 16 1959

Department of Agriculture Annual Report 1957/1958 UG 23 1959

Mealie Industry Control Board. Controller and Auditor General Report of Accounts 1956/1957 UG 24 1959

Soil Conservation Board 11th Annual Report 1957/1958 UG 27 1959

Rooibos Tea Control Board 1957 UG 29 1959

Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa Report of Board 1958 UG 31 1959

Dairy Industry Control Board. Accounts Controller and Auditor General Report 1956/1957 UG 32 1959

Wheat Industry Control Board.  Accounts of Controller and Auditor General 1956/1957 UG 43 1959

Oilseed Control Board Accounts 1956/1957 UG 44 1959

Dried Bean Control Board Accounts 1957/1958 UG 54 1959

Agricultural and Pastoral Production and Sugar Cane Plantations 1956/1957 UG 56 1959

Dried Fruit Board Accounts 1956/1957 UG 58 1959

Deciduous Fruit Board.  Report of Controller and Auditor General 1956/1957 UG 61 1959

Egg Control Board.  Report of Controller and Auditor General 1957/1958 UG 64 1959

Dairy Industry Control Board Controller and Auditor General 1958/1959 UG 13 1961

Department of Agricultural Technology Services Annual Report 1959/1960 UG 14 1961

Department of Agriculral Economics and Marketing.  Annual Report 1959/1960 UG 15 1961

Study Group for Inquiry into Agricultural Credit Report 1961 UG 15 1961

Livestock and meat Industries Control Board 1958/1959 UG 17 1961

Mealie Industry Bontrol Board 1958/1959 UG 18 1961

Banana Control Board 1958/1959 UG 22 1961

Cape Town Milk Board.  Controller and Auditor General Report 1959 UG 21 1960

Dried Fruit Board.  Controller and Auditor General 1957/1958 UG 24 1960

Deciduous Fruit Board Controller and Auditor General Accounts 1957/1958 UG 26 1960

South Africa Wool Board. Accounts Report of Controller and Auditor General 1957/1958 UG 31 1960

Citrus Board.  Controller and Auditor General 1957/1958 UG 35 1960

Soil Conservation Board.  12th Annualr Report 1958/1959 UG 37 1960

Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board.  Controller and Auditor General 1957/1958 UG 41 1960

Dairy Industry Control Board Accounts 1957/1958 UG 42 1960

Wheat Industry Control Board 1957/1958 UG 45 1960

Oilseed Control Board 1957/1958 UG 47 1960

Egg Control Board 1958/1959 UG 50 1960

Dried Bean Control Board 1958/1959 ug 53 11960

Lucerne seed Contol Board 1958/1959 UG 54 1960

Rooibos Tea Control Board 1958 UG 57 1960

Cape Town Milk Board Controller and Auditor General Report UG 67 1960

Citrus Board.  Report of Controller and Auditor General 1958/1959 UG 68 1960

Dried Fruit Board.  Controller and Auditor General 1958/1959 UG 72 1960

Banana Control Board.  Auditor General's Report on Accounts of 1957/1958 UG 12 1960

Potato Board 1957/1958 Auditor General's Report on Accounts UG 14 1960

Mealie Industry Control Board 1957/1958 UG 20 1960

RP Series 1961-1967

South African wool board 1958/1959 RP 2 1961

Wheat industry contol board 1958/1959 RP 3 1961

Potato board account 1958/1959 RP 12 1961

Dried bean control board 1959/1960 RP14 1961

Lucerne seed control board 1959/1960 RP 16 1961

Livestock and meat industries control board 1959/1960 RP 16 1961

Egg control board. Report on accounts 1959/1960 RP 25 1961

Agricultural technical services Annual Report 1960/1961 RP 29 1961

Commission of inquiry into cost... agricultural implement etc. RP 10 1962

Deciduos fruit board, report on accounts 1958/1959 RP 12 1962

Agricultural economics and marketing 1960/1961 RP 14 1962

Dried fruit board.  Report on accounts 1959/1960 RP 15 1962

Rooibos tea control board. Report on Accounts 1960 RP 16 1962

Banana control board.  Report on Accounts 1959/1960 RP 17 1962

Deciduos fruit board.  Report on accounts 1959/1960 RP 21 1962

Oilseed control board.  Report on accounts RP 22 1962

Citrus board Report on accounts 1959/1960 RP 27 1962

South Africa wool board.  Report on accounts 1959/1960 RP 29 1962

Mealie industry control board.  Report on accounts 1959/1960 RP 30 1962

Potato Board.  Report on accounts  1959/1960 RP 31 1962

Wheat industry control board.  Report on accounts 1959/1960 RP 34 1962

Cape Town milk board.  Report on accounts 1960 RP 36 1962

Soil conservation board.  Annual Report 1960/1961 RP 38 1962

Dairy industry control board.  Report on Accounts 1959/1960 RP 44 1962

Dried bean control board 1960/1961 RP 47 1962

Lucerne seed control board 1960/1961 RP 48 1962

Citrus board 1960/1961 RP 49 1962

Egg control board.  Report on accounts 1960/1961 RP 50 1962

Livestock and meat industries control board 1960/1961 RP 55 1962

Mealie industry control board 1960/1961 RP 56 1962

Banana control board.  Report on accounts 1960/1961n RP62 1962

South Africa wool commission.  Report on accounts 1960/1961 RP 23 1963

Department of agricultural technical services.  Annual Report 1961/1962 RP 25 1963

Department of agricultural economics and marketing 1961/1962 RP 27 1963

South Africa wool board.  Report on accounts 1960/1962 RP 29 1963

Potato board.  Report on accounts 1960/1961 RP 30 1963

Oilseed control board 1960/1961 RP 34 1963

Dried fruit board.  Report on accounts 1960/1961 RP 35 1963

Rooibos tea control board.  Report on accounts 1961 RP 36 1963

Dairy Industry control board.  Report on accounts 1960/1961

Progress in soil and water conservation 1961/1962 RP 39 1963

Report on accounts of the wheat industry control board 1960/1961 RP 42 1963

Report on accounts of the deciduous fruit board 1960/1961 RP 43 1963

Cape Town milk board.  Report on accounts 1961 RP 46 1963

Lucerne seed conrol board.. Report on accounts 1961/192 RP 55 1963

Egg control board.  Report on accounts 1961/1962 RP 56 1963

Dried bean control board.  Report of accounts 1961/1962 RP 63 1963

Citrus board.  Report on accounts 1961/1962 RP 68 1963

Dried fruit board.  Report on accounts 1961/1962 RP 69 1963

Report on accounts of dairy industry control board 1961/1962 RP 70 1963

Rooibos tea control board.  Report on accounts 1962 RP 72 1963

South African wool board.  Report on accounts 1961/1962 RP 73 1963

Report on accounts of the South Africa wool commission RP 14 1964

Report on accounts of livestock and meat industries 1961/1962 RP 18 1964

Secretary for agricultural economics and marketing 1962/1963 RP 19 1964

Potato board.  Report of accounts 1961/1962 RP 22 1964

Mealie industry control board.  Report on accounts 1961/1962 RP 23 1964

Department of agricultural technical services 1962/1963 RP 33 1964

Progress in soil and water conservation 1962/1963 RP 39 1964

Report of the commission of enquiry into abattoir and allied facilities RP 48 1964

Dried bean control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 49 1964

Cape Town milk board.  Report on accounts Jan-July 1962 RP 61 1964

South Africa wool commission .  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 62 1964

Milk board report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 63 1964

Lucerne control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 64 1964

Oilseeds contol board.  Report on accounts 1961/1962 RP 65 1964

Egg control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 67 1964

South Africa wool board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 68 1964

Rooibos tea control board.  Report on accounts 1963 RP 71 1964

Deciduous fruit board.  Report on accounts 1961/1962 RP 72 1964

Wheat industry control board.  Report on accounts 1961/1962 RP 73 1964

Livestock and meat industries control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 74 1964

Banana control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 79 1964

Department of agricultural technical services.  Annual Report 1963/1964 RP 12 1965

Secretary for agricultural economics and marketing.  Annual Report 1963/1964 RP 13 1965

Progress in soil and water conservation 1963/1964 RP 14 1965

South Africa wool commission.  Report on accounts 1963/1964 RP 15 1965

Mealie industry control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 16 1965

Banana conrol board.  Report on accounts 1963/1964 RP 17 1965

South Africa wool board.  Report on accounts 1963/1965 RP 21 1965

Oilseeds control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 23 1965

Potato board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 24 1965

Citrus board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 26 1965

Milk board.  Report on accounts 1963/1964 RP 28 1965

Dairy industry control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 36 1965

Wheat industry control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963

Dried fruit board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 46 1965

Dried bean control board.  Report on accounts 1963/1964 RP 50 1965

Oilseed control board.  Report on accounts 1963/1964 RP 61 1965

Deciduous fruit board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 65 1965

Lucerne seed control board.  Report on accounts 1962/1963 RP 66 1965

Dried fruit board.  Report on accounts 1963/1964 RP 67 1965

Livestock and meat industries control board.  Report on accounts 1963/1964 RP 68 1965

Egg control board.  Report on accounts 1963/1964 RP 69 1965

Report on accounts of dairy industry control board 1963/1964 RP 15 1966

Report on accounts of citrus board 1963/1964 RP 17 1966

Report on account of the potato board 1963/1964 RP 19 1966

Secretary for agricultural economics and marketing report 1964/1965 RP 22 1966

Department Agricultural services.  Annual Report 1964/1965 RP 23 1966

Soil conservation board.  Annual Report 1964/1965 RP 24 1966

Peach board 1964/1965 RP 26 1966

Dried bean control board 1964/1965 RP 27 1966

Deciduous fruit board 1963/1964 RP 28 1966

Wheat industry control board 1963/1964 RP 29 1966

Rooibos tea control board 1964/1965 RP 31 1966

Deciduos fruit board 1964/1964 RP 33 1966

Report on accounts oilseeds control board 1964/1965 RP 39 1966

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the mealie industry control board 1963/1964 RP 43 1966

Report on accounts of citrus board 1964/1965 RP 44 1966

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the livestock and meat industry control board 1964/1965 RP 58 1966

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the South African wool commission 1964/1965 RP 59 1966

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1964/1965 RP 64 1966

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1964/1965 RP 66 1966

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana control board 1964/1965 RP 70 1966

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat industry board 1964/1965 RP 20 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1965/1966 RP 23 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried bean board 1965/1966 RP 24 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1965/1966 RP 26 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseeds 1965/1966 RP 27 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mealie industry 1964/1965 RP 28 1967

Annual Report of the secretary for agriculture economics and marketing 1965/1966 RP 33 1967

Annual Report of the secretary for agricultural technical services 1965/1966 RP 36 1967

Annual Report of soil conservation board.  Progress in soil and water conservation 1965/1966 RP 37 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1965 RP 50 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1965/1966 RP 51 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1965/1966 RP 52 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1965/1966
Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the South African wool commission 1965/1966 RP 54 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the Banana control board 1965/1966 RP 57 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 19666 RP 58 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of then livestock and meat industries control board 1965/1966 RP 64 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the Lucerne seed contol board 1965/1966 RP 65 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat industry control board 1965/1966 RP 70 1967

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the egg controll borad 1966/1967 UG 12 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the mealie industry conrol board for the financial year 1965/1966

Annual Report of the secretary for agricultural economics and marketing July 1966 to June June 1967 UG 16 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the mohair boardfor the period 1 October 1965 to 30 June 1966

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the chicory conrol board for the financial year 1 October 1965 to 30 September 1966 RP 23 1968

Annual Report of the soil conservation board for the period 1st July 1966 to 30th June 1967 RP 25 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the canning apricot peach board for the financial year 1 July 1966 to 30 June 1967 RP 26 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the South African wool commission for the financial year 1 July 1966 to 30 June 1967 RP 27 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board for the financial year 1 August 1965 to 31 July 1966 RP 28 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the citrus board for the financial year 1 February 1966 to 31 January 1967 RP 34 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the dairy industry controll board for the financial year 1 October 1965 to 30 September 1966 RP 36 1968

Annual Report of the Secretary for agricultural technical services for the period 1st July 1966 to 30th June 1967 RP 42 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the dried bean control board for the financial year 1 April 1966 to 31 March 1967 RP 43 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the oilseeds control board for the financial year 1 July 1966 to 30 June 1967 RP 52 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the mealie industry control board for the financial year 1 May 1966 to 30 April 1967 RP 57 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the mohair board for the financial year 1 July 1966 to 30 June 1967 RP 59 1968

Interim report of the commission of enquiry into agriculture RP 61 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board for the financial year 1 January 1967 to 31 December 1967 RP 63 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the South African wool board for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1967 RP 64 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the milk board for the financial year 1 July 1966 to 30 June 1967 RP 65 1968
Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board for the financial year 1 August 1966 to 31 July 1967 RP 67 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the potato board for the financial year 1 October 1966 to 30 September 1967 RP 69 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the livestock and meat industries control board and stock diseases research fund for the financial year 1July 1966 to 30 June 1967 RP 73 1968

Annual Report of the Secretary for agricultural technical services for the period 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 75 1968

Report of the Controller and Auditor general on the accounts of the dried fruit board for the financial year 1 December 1966 to 30 November 1967 RP 77 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the banana control board for the financial year 1 July 1966 to 30 June 1967 RP 78 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the dairy industry control board for the financial year 1 October 1966 to 30 September 1967 RP 79 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the wheat industry control board for the financial year 1 November 1966 to 31 October 1967 RP 80 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the lucerne seed control board for the financial year 1 November 1966 to 31 October 1967 RP 81 1968

Annual Report of the secretary for agricultural economics and marketing for the period 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 82 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the canning apricot peach board for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 83 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the oilseeds control board for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 84 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the chicory control board for the financial year 1 October 1966 to 30 September 1967 RP 86 1968

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the tobacco industry control board for the financial year 1 May 1967 to 30 April 1968 RP 13 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the mohair board for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 14 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the dried bean control board for the financial year 1 April 1967 to 31 March 1968

Department of Agricultural credit and land tenure Annual Report 1966-1968 RP 23 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the egg control board for the year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 37 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the South African wool commission for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 38 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the South African wool commission for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 41 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the citrus board for the financial year 1 February 1967 to 31 January 1968 RP 46 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the milk board for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 57 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the banana board for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 61 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the livestock and meat industries control board and the stock diseases research fund for the financial year 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 63 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the lucerne seed control board for the financial year 1 November 1967 to 31 October 1968 RP 64 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the wheat industry control board for the financial year 1 Noveber 1967 to 3
1 October 1968 RP 65 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the abattoir commission for the period 1 November 1967 to 30 June 1968 RP 67 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the potato board for the financial year 1 October 1967 to 30 September 1968 RP 68 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the dairy industry control board for the financial year 1 October 1967 to 30 September 1968 RP 69 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the mealie industry control board for the financial year 1 May 1967 to 30 April 1968 RP 71 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board for the financial year 1 January 1968 to 31 December 1968 RP 78 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the chicory control board for the financial year 1 October 1967 to 30 September 1968 RP 79  1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the tobacco industry control board for the financial year 1 May 1968 to 30 April 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the canning, apricot and peach board for the financial year 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 88 1969

Annual Report of the department of agricultural technical services for the period 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 18 1970

Annual Report of the secretary for agricultural economics and marketing for the period 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 19 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the citrus board for the financial year 1 February 1968 to 31 January 1969 RP 22 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the milkboard for the financial year 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 23 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accountes of the South African wool commission for the financial year 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 26 1970

Report of the controlloer and auditor general on the accounts of the egg control board for the financial year 1 July 1968 ti 30 June 1969 RP 29 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the dry bean board for the financial year 1 April 1968 to 31 March 1969 RP 35 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the banana board for the financial year 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 37 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the abattoir commission for the financial year 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 38 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the lucerne seed control board for the financial year 1 November 1968 to 31 October 1969 RP 42 1970

Report of the commission of inquiry into certain matters relating to the banana control board RP 47 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the mealie industry control board for the financial year 1 May 1968 to 30 April 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board for the financial year 1 August 1967 to 30 September 1968 RP 56 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the South African Wool board for the financial year 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 57 1970

Report of the contrioller and auditor general on the accounts of the potato board for the financial year 1 October 1968 to 30 September 1969 RP 60 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of dairy industry control board for the financial year 1 October 1968 to 30 September 1969 RP 61 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board for the financial year 1 January 1969 to 31 December 1969 RP 62 1970

Annual Report of the soil conservation board for the period 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969 RP 64 1970 

Annual Report 1968-1970.  Department of agricultural credit and land tenure RP 75 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the wheat industry control board for the financial year 1 November 1968 to 31 October 1969 RP 82 1970

Second report of the commission of enquiry into agriculture RP 84 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the dried fruit board for the financial year 1 December 1968 to 30 November 1969

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the karakul board for the financial year 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969

Report of the contrioller and auditor general on the accounts of the tobacco industry control board for the financial year 1 May 1969 to 30 April 1970 RP 89 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the canning apricot and peach board for the financial year 1 July 1969 to 30 June 1970 RP 91 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the South African wool commission for the financial year 1 July 1969 to 30 June 1970 RP 99 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board for the financial year 1 October 1968 to 30 September 1969 RP 100 1970

Report of the controller and auditor general on the accounts of the abattoir commission for the financial year 1 July 1969 to 30 June 1970 RP 101 1970

RP Series 1971-1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseed control board RP 20 1971

Department of agricultural economics technical services 1969/1970 RP 22 1971

Department of agricultural economics and marketing.  Annual Report  RP 23 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board RP 25 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1967/1970 RP 39 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry control board RP 59 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board 1969/1970 RP 60 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1969/1970 RP 61 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1969/1970 RP 62 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana control board 1969/1970 RP 67 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1969/1970 RP 68 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat industries 1969/1970 RP 71 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry control board 1969/1970 RP 76 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the maize board 1969/1970 RP 77 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1969/1970 RP 79 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucerne seed control board 1969/1970 RP 80 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1970 RP 81 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the South African wool board 1969/1970 RP 82 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat industry control board 1969/1971 RP 84 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board 1967/1970 RP 86 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruit board 1970/1971 RP 88 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the meat tradeof SWA 1968/1969 RP 91 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1969/1970 RP 92 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the South Africa wool board 1970/1971 RP 93 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board 1970/1971 RP 95 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseed control board 1970/1971 RP 98 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the meat control board South West Africa 1970/1971 RP 99 1971

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the abattoir commission 1971 RP 100 1971

Commission of enquiry into agriculture.  Third final report RP 19 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana control board RP 20 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board RP 22 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1970/1971 RP 23 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat control board RP 29 1972

Secretary of agricultural economics and marketing report 1970/1971 RP 33 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1970/1971 RP 36 1972

Department of agricultural technical services report 1971 RP 37 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucerne seed control board 1971 RP 62 1972

South Africa wool commission report 1970/1971 RP 73 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the maize board 1970/1971 RP 81 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1970/1971 RP 82 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1971 RP 83 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1970/1971 RP 86 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board 1971 RP 87 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat industry control board 1970/1971 RP 89 1972

Meat trade control board of S.W.A  Annual Report 1970/1971 RP 90 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry control board 1970/1971 RP 16 1972

Department of Agricultural economics and marketing.  Annual Report 1971/1972 RP 17 1972

Department of Agricultural and technical services.  Annual Report 1971/1972 RP 18 1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1970/1971 RP 22 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board 1970/1971 RP 28 1973

South African wool board.  Annual Report 1972 RP 38 1973

Canning fruit board.  Annual Report 1972 RP 39 1973

South Africa wool commission.  Annual Report 1972 RP 40 1973

Department of Agricultural credit and land tenure.  Annual Report 1971/1972

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the SWA dairy industry control board 1969/1970 RP 54 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana control board 1971/1972 RP 58 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the abattoir 1971/1972 RP 59 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry control board of SWA 1970/1971 RP 61 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1971/1972 RP 63 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1971/1972 RP 64 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseeds control board 1971/1972 RP 69 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1971/1972 RP 71 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1972 RP 72 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the  Lucerne seed control board 1971/1972 RP 73 1973

Dry bean board report 1972 RP 77 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1972 RP 78 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the Maize board 1971/1972

Report on accounts of the meat control board of SWA 1971/1972

Wheat industry control board report 1971/1972 RP 83 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy board 1971/1972 RP 86 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat industries board 1971/1972 RP 87 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1971/1972 RP 89 1973

Agricultural credit and land tenure department.  Annual Report 1971/1973 RP 90 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1971/1972 RP 94 1973

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board 1971/1972 RP 95 1973

Agricultural technical services.  Annual Report 1972/1973 RP 24 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1972/1973 RP 28 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the Mohair board 1972/1973 RP 29 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruit board 1972/1973 RP 31 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry control board of SWA 1971/1972 RP 34 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1972/1973 RP 37 1973

Agricultural economics and marketing.  Annual Report of the Secretary 1972/1973 RP 43 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana control board accounts 1972/1973 RP 47 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseeds control board 1972/1973 RP 51 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the South Africa wool board 1972/1973 RP 55 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucern seed 1972/1973 RP 70 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the chicory control board 1972/1973 RP 71 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy board 1972/1973 RP 76 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1972/1973 RP 77 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1972/1973 RP 83 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat industry control board 1972/1973 RP 84 1974

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board 1973 RP 88 1974

Department of Agricultural credit and land tenure.  Annual Report 1973/1974 RP 17 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1972/1973 RP 19 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat industries board 1972/1973 RP 23 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1972/1973 RP 24 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1973/1974 RP 25 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1973/1974 RP 26 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1973/1974 RP 28 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the maize board 1972/1973 RP 31 1975

Department of Agricultural Technical Services.  Annual Report 1973/1974 RP 46 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucern seed control board 1973/1974 RP 49 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1973 RP 50 1975

Agricultural Economics and Marketing Annual Report 1973/1974 RP 51 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the meat trade control board of SWA 1972/1973 RP 52 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry control board of SWA 1973/1974 RP 57 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruit board 1973/1974 RP 58 1975 

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board 1972/1973 RP 65 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1973/1974 RP 68 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana control board 1973/1974 RP 72 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the chicory control board 1973/1974 RP 73 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the abbatoir commission 1973/1974 RP 75 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the South Africa wool board 1973/1974 RP 76 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseeds control board 1973/1974 RP 77 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1974 RP 80 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry of SWA 1973/1974 RP 81 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the meat trade 1973/1974 RP 85 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1973/1974 RP 86 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1973/1974 RP 87 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board 1974 RP 88 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1973/1974 RP 89 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat board 1973/1974 RP 90 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy board 1972/1974 RP 92 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the tobacco board 1974/1975 RP 93 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board RP 94 RP 94 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1974/1975 RP 95 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat industries control board 1973/1974 RP 101 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the maize board RP 106 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1974/1975 RP 107 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board 1973/1974 RP 109 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruit board 1974/1975 RP 115 1975

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the cotton board 1974/1975 RP 18 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the abbattoir commission 1974/1975 RP 21 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana board 1974/1975 RP 22 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy board 1974/1975 RP 24 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat industry control board 1974/1975 RP 25 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the South Africa wool board 1974/1975 RP 32 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat board 1974/1975 RP 34 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the chicory control board 1974/1975 RP 35 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1974/1975 RP 40 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseed 1974/1975 RP 41 1976

Agricultural technical services.  Annual Report 1974/1975 RP 43 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1974/1975 RP 44 1976

Agricultural economics and marketing.  Annual Report 1974/1975 RP 53 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry of SWA RP 58 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the maize board 1974/1975 RP 59 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucerne seed control board RP 63 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the meat trade control board of SWA 1974/1975 RP 67 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1974/1975 RP 69 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1975 RP 70 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board 1975 RP 76 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1975/1976 RP 77 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduoud fruit board and South Africa Plant Improvement Organization 1974/1975 RP 79 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1974/1975 RP 80 1976

Agricultural credi and land tenure.  Annual Report 1975/1976 RP 87 1976

Import of poultry breeding material.  Commission of Inquiry report RP 89 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the cotton board 1975/1976 RP 92 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1975/1976 RP 93 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruit board 1975/1976 RP 100 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1975/1976 RP 101 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1975/1976 RP 102 1976

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana board 1975/1976 RP 15 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the abbatoir commission 1975/1976 RP 20 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseeds control board 1975/1976 RP 23 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the maize board 1975/1976 RP 24 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1975/1976 RP 35 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry of SWA 1975/1976 RP 37 1977

Agricultural Economics and Marketing.  Annual Report 1975/1976 RP 43 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat industries control board 1975/1976 RP 44 1977

Department of agricultural technical services.  Annual Report 1975/1976 RP 48 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board RP 49 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the chicory control board 1975/1976 RP 50 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the SWA meat trade 1975/1976 RP 53 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy board 1975/1976 RP 60 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1975/1976 RP 61 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucerne seed board 1975/1976 RP 69 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat board 1975/1976 RP 72 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board and South Africa plant improvement organisation 1975/1976 RP 77 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board RP 85 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1975/1976 RP 87 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1976/1977 RP 88 1977

 Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1975/1976 RP 101 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1975/1976 RP 102 1977

Department of agricultural credit and land tenure.  Annual Report 1976/1977 RP 110 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the cotton board 1976/1977 RP 112 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana board 1976/1977 RP 116 1977
Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the abbatoir commission 1976/1977 RP 117 1977

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wool board 1976/1977 RP 28 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the chicory board 1976/1977 RP 33 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruit board 1976/1977 RP 36 1978

Agriculture Economics and Marketing.  Annual Report 1976/1977 RP 37 1978 

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1976/1977 RP 41 1978

Annual Report of the department of Agricultural and Technical Services 1977 RP 42 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1976/1977 RP 52 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucerne seed control board 1976/1977 RP 54 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1976/1977 RP 55 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the meat control board of SWA 1976/1977 RP 71 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat industries control board 1976/1977 RP 72 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1977 RP 76 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy board South Transvaal area 1976/1977 RP 78 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1976/1977 RP 80 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1976/1977 RP 81 1978

Department of Agricultural credit and land tenure 1977/1978 RP 82 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board 1976/1977 RP 90 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat board 1976/1977 RP 91 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseed control board 1976/1977 RP 92 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board 1977 RP 94 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1977/1978 RP 96 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1977/1978 RP 115 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the cotton board 1977/1978 RP 119 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wool board RP 123 1978

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucerne seed board RP 18 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana board 1977/1978 RP 22 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruit board 1977/1978 RP 23 1979

Agricultural Economics and Marketing.  Annual Report of the Secretary 1977/1978 RP 28 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1977/1978 RP 31 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry 1976/1977 RP 35 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1977/1978 RP 36 1979

Agricultural Technical Services.  Annual Report 1977/1978 RP 40 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the chicory board RP 48 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board RP 60 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseeds control board RP 61 1979

 Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat board 1977/1978 RP 69 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the livestock and meat industries control board 1977/1978 RP 72 1979

 Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy board 1977/1978 RP 76 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1978 RP 77 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board and SA Plant improvement Organisation 1977/1978 RP 78 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy industry control board of SWA 1977/1978

Agricultural credit and land tenure.  Report of the Secretary 1978/1979 RP 103 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the maize board and nutrition services 1977/1978 RP 103 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1978/1979 RP 107 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the cotton board 1978/1979 RP 108 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dairy board 1978/1979 RP 110 1979

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the citrus board 1978/1979 RP 112 1979


RP Series 1980 - 1989

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the milk board 1978/1979 RP 13 1980 

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the karakul board 1977/1979 RP 14 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the banana board 1978/1979 RP 19 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the lucerne seed 1978/1979 RP 20 1980

Agricultural Economics and Marketing.  Annual Report 1978/1979 RP 22 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the South Africa wool board 1978/1979 RP 35 1980

Department of Agricultural Technical Services Annual Report 1978/1979 RP 40 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the chicory board 1978/1979 RP 42 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the potato board 1978/1979 RP 46 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the deciduous fruit board and SA Plant improvement organisation 1978/1979 RP 57 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the wheat board 1978/1979 RP 63 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1977/1978 RP 64 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the meat board 1978/1979 RP 67 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the SWA dairy industry control board 1978/1979 RP 71 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the egg control board 1978/1979 RP 77 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruity board 1978/1979 RP 78 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dry bean board 1979 RP 88 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the oilseeds control board 1978/1979 RP 89 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the rooibos tea control board 1979 RP 99 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the dried fruit board 1978/1979 RP 106 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the maize board 1979/1980 RP 107 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the mohair board 1979/1980 RP 108 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the cotton board 1979/1980 RP 109 1980

Agricultural economics and marketing report 1979/1980 RP 116 1980

Report of the controller and auditor general on the account of the canning fruit board 1979/1980 RP 12 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board RP 17 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the chicory board 1979/1980 RP 18 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA karakul board 1978/1979 RP 22 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA wool board 1979/1980 RP 26 1981

Department of Agricultural Technical Services.  Secretary's Report 1979/1980 RP 31 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board 1979/1980 RP 32 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the egg control board 1979/1980 RP 43 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the banana board 1979/1980 RP 45 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed control board 1979/1980 RP 53 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus board 1979/1980 RP 54 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the potato board 1979/1980 RP 63 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dry bean board 1980 RP 66 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseed control board 1979/1980 RP 67 1981

Slaughter stock and meat industries commission of inquiry RP 71 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board and South Africa Plant Improvement Organization 1979/1980 RP 74 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board 1980 RP 75 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dairy control board 1979/1980 RP 76 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board 1979/1980 RP 80 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the South African karakul board 1979 RP 81 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board 1980/1981 RP 91 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board 1980/1981 RP 62 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board and nutrition advisory services 1979/1980 RP 97 1981

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus board 1980/1981 RP 17 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board 1980/1981 RP 18 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the South Africa wol board 1980/1981 RP 19 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the South Africa karakul board 1980 RP 20 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the banana board 1980/1981 RP 21 1982

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.  Annual Report 1980/1981 RP 38 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the control board 1980/1981 RP 39 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the egg control board 1980/1981 RP 45 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board 1980/1981 RP 48 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucern seed 1980/1981 RP 53 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board and nutrition advisory services 1980/1981 RP 54 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseed control board 1980/1981 RP 57 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the chicolry board 1980/1981 RP 60 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board 1980/1981 RP 65 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduoud fruit board and the SA improvement organisation 1980/1981 RP 68 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dry bean board RP 69 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board 1981 RP 71 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board 1981/1982 RP 73 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board 1981/1982 RP 74 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board 1980/1981 RP 77 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the potato board 1980/1981 RP 78 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA karakul board 1981 RP 83 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus boarerd 1981/1982 RP 87 1982

Committee of inquiry into the sugar industry report 1982 RP 92 1982

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the egg control board 1981/1982 RP 14 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the South African wool board 1981/1982 RP 18 1983

 Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the banana board 1981/1982 RP 19 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board 1981/1982 RP 21 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dairy control board 1981/1982 RP 24 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the chicory board 1981/1982 RP 34 1983

Department of Agriculture.  Annual Report 1981/1982 RP 37 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board 1981/1982 RP 39 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed control board 1981/1982 RP 40 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board 1981/1982 RP 41 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board 1981/1982 RP 42 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseeds board 1981/1982 RP 43 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the potato board 1981/1982 RP 44 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board and SA plant improvement organisation 1981/1982 RP 49 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board 1982 RP 51 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board 1981/1982 RP 59 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried bean board 1981/1982 RP 60 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board 1982/1983 RP 61 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus board 1982/1983 RP 67 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board 1982/1983 RP 70 1983

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA karakul board 1982 RP 71 1983

 Land and Agricultural bank of SA.  Report of the Auditor General 1982 RP 80 1983

 Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the egg contol board 1982/1983 RP 14 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dairy board 1982/1983 RP 15 1983

 Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA wool board 1982/1983 RP 19 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseeds board 1982/1983 RP 27 1984

Annual Report 1 April-31 March 1983 of director general: Agriculture 30 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board and the nutrition advisory services for financial year 1 May 1982-30 April 1983 RP 43 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the potato board RP 44 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board RP 49 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the banana board RP 50 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board 1982/1983n RP 51 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed control board 1982/1983 RP 53 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the chicory board 1982/1983 RP 54 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dry bean board for the financial year 1 Jan. 1983 - 31 Dec. 1984 RP 65 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board for 1 Oct. 1982 - 30 Sep. 1983 RP 66 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board for 1 Jan. 1983- 31 Dec. 1983 RP 69 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the karakul board RP 73 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board for 1 Dec. 1982 - 30 Nov. 1983 RP 74 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board RP 75 1984

Land and agricultural bank of SA 1 Jan - 31 Dec 1983 RP 76 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board 1 Mar 1983 - 29 Feb. 1984 RP 77 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus board Feb. 1983- Jan 1984 RP 82 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board and the South African plant improvement organisation Oct. 1982 - Sep. 1983 RP 88 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board RP 89 1984

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseeds board 1 June 1983 - 31 May 1984 RP 20 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board May 1983 - April 1984 RP 31 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed control board 1984 RP 34 1985

Annual Report.  Department of Agriculture 1 April 1983 - 31 March 1984 RP 44 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wool board 1 Jul. 1983 - 30 Jun 1984 RP 45 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the egg control board 1 Jul. - 3 Jun 1984 RP 48 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dairy board 1984 RP 49 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the chicory board 1 Oct. - Sep. 1984 RP 50 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the banana board 1 Jul.- 302 Jun. 1984 RP 67 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board 1 Oct. - 30 Sep. 1984 RP 79 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the potato board for the financial year 1 Oct. 1983 - 30 Sept. 1984 RP 81 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board 1 Jul 1983 - 30 Jun 1984 RP 82 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the rooibos tea board 1 Jan - 31 Dec. 1984 RP 89 1985

Commission of inquiry into the Governments bread subsidy scheme RP 90 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dry bean board 1984 RP 91 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the land and agricultureal bank of South Africa 24 Jan 1984- Dec. 1984 RP 92 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the karakul board Jan. 1984- Dec. 1984 RP 93 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board Dec. 1983 - Nov. 1984 RP 94 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board Mar. - Dec. 1984 RP 95 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board and the SA plant improvement organisation Oct. 1983- Sep. 1984 RP 96 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board Mar. 1984 - Feb. 1985 RP 98 1985

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dairy board for the financial year 1 Mar. 1984 - 28 Feb. 1985 RP 19 1986

Department of Agriculture and Water supply.  Annual Report 1 Apr. 1984 - 31 Mar. 1985 RP 21 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus board for the financial year 1 Feb 1984- 31 Jan 1985 RP 23 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA woool board 1984/1985 RP 46 1986

Departmnet of Agricultural Economics and Marketing.  Annual Report 1 April 1984/1985 RP 50 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board for the financial year 1 July 1984 - 30 June 1985 RP 56 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board for the year 1 May 1984 - 30 April 1985 RP 80 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed board for the year 1 Sept. 1984 - 31 Aug. 1985 RP 82 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the banana board for the year 1 Jul. 1984 - 30 Jun. 1985 RP 83 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseeds board for the year 1 Jun. 1984 - 31 May 1985 RP 85 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the egg board for the year 1 Jul. 1984 - 30 Jun. 1985 RP 89 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the chicory board for the year 1 Oct. 1984 - 30 Sept. 1985 RP 90 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board for the year 1 Oct. 1984 - 30 Sep. 1985 RP 95 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the potato board for the financial year 1 Oct. 1984 -30 Sep. 1985 RP 96 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board fo the financial year 1-12 1984 - 30-11 1985 RP 98 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board for the financial year 1 Jul. 1984 - 30 Jun. 1985 RP 99 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dry bean board for the financial year 1 Jan. 1985 - 31 Dec. 1985 RP 101 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board and the SA plant improvement organisation 1984/1985 RP 102 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohari board for the period 1 Jan. 1985 - 31 Dec. 1985 RP 103 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board for the financial year 1 Jan. 1985 - 31 Dec. 1985 RP 104 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the karakul board fot he financial year 1 Jan. 1985 - 31 Dec. 1986 RP 108 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board for the financial year 1 Mar. 1985 - 28 Feb. 1986 RP 116 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dairy board for the financial year 1 Mar. 1985 - 28 Feb. 1986 RP 29 1986

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the South African wool board for the financial year 1 Jul. 1985 to 30 Jun. 1986 RP 58 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board for the financial year 1 Jul. 1985 to 30 Jun. 1986 RP 62 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseeds board for the financial year 1 Jun. 1985 - 31 May 1986 RP 63 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the egg board for the financial year 1 Jul. 1985 to 30 Jun. 1986 RP 64 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus board for the financial year 1 Feb. 1985 - 31 Jan. 1986 RP 63 1987

Supplementary information to the 1985 Annual Report of the administration: House of Representatives Department of Local Government, Housing and Agriculture RP 68 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed board for the financial year 1 Sept.- 31 Aug. 1986 RP 81 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the chicory board for the financial year 1 Oct. 1985 to 30 Sept. 1986 RP 82 1987

Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the cultivar purity and illegal importation of certain vine propagating material RP 88 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the banana board for the financial year 1 Jul. 1985 to 30 Jun. 1986 RP 89 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board for the financial year 1 Jul. 1985 to 30 Jun. 1986 RP 90 1987

Annual Report of the Superintendent- General of the department of agriculture and water supply for the period 1 April 1985 - 31 March 1986 RP 51 1987

Annual Report of the Director General: Agricultural Economics and Marketing for the period 1 Apr. 1985 to 31 Mar. 1986 RP 53 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board fo the financial year 1 Oct. 1985 to 30 Sept. 1986 RP 101 1987 

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board for the financial year 1 May 1985 to 30 Apr. 1986 RP 102 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the potato board for the period 1 Oct. 1985 to 31 Dec. 1986 RP 107 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board for the financial year 1 Dec. 1985 to 30 Nov. 1986 RP 112 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dry bean board for the financial year 1 Jan. 1986 to 31 Dec. 1986 RP 113 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduoud frut board and the SA plant improvement organisation 1985/1986 RP 116 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the grain sorghum board for the period 1 May 1986 to 31 Dec. 1986 RP 117 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board for the period 1 Jan. 1986 to 28 Feb. 1987 RP 118 1987

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board for the financial year 1 Mar. 1986 to 26 Feb 1987 RP 34 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board for the financial year 1 Jan. 1986 to 31 Dec. 1986 RP 35 1988

Annual Report of the Superintendent General: Agriculture and Water supply for the period 1 Apr. 1986 to 31 Mar. 1987 RP 57 1988

 Annual Report of the Director General: Agricultural Economics and Marketing for the period 1 Apr. 1986 tp 31 Mar. 1987 RP 67 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseeds board for the financial year 1 June 1986 to 31 May 1987 RP 76 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the karakul board for the financial year 1 Jan. 1986 to 31 Dec. 1986 RP 77 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus board for the financial year 1 Feb. 1986 to 31 Jan. 1987 RP 78 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the egg board for the financial year 1 Jul. 1986 to 30 Jun. 1987 RP 81 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board for the financial year 1 MAY 1986 TO 30    Apr. 1987 RP 89 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board for the period 1 Jul. 1986 to 30 Sept. 1987 RP 90 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed board for the financial year 1 Sept. 1986 to 31 Aug. 1987 RP 91 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA wool board for financial year 1 jul. 1986 to 30 Jun. 1987 RP 92 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dairy board for the financial year 1 Mar. 1986 to 28 Feb. 1987 RP 93 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the chicory board for the financial year 1 Oct. 1986 to 30 Sept. 1987 RP 98 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board for the financial year 1 July 1986 to 30 June 1987 RP 101 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the banana board for the financial year 1 july 1986 tp 30 June 1987 RP 102 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board for the financial year 1 Oct. 1986 to 30 Sept. 1987 RP 105 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board for the financial year 1 Dec. 1986 to 30 Nov. 1987 RP 107 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the rooibos tea control board for the financial year 1987 RP 108 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board for the financial year 1 Mar. 1987 to 29 Feb. 1988 RP 112 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the grain sorghum board for the financial year 1 Jan. 1987 to 31 Dec. 1987 RP 115 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the potato board for the financial year 1 Jan 1987 to 31 Dec. 1987 RP 116 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dry bean board for the financial year 1987 RP 117 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduoud fruit board and the SA plant improvement organisation for the financial year 1 Oct. 1986 to 30 Sept. 1987 RP 118 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA karakul board for the period 1 Jan. 1987 to 31 May 1987 RP 33 1989

Annual Report of the Superintendent General of the Department of Agriculture and Water supply for the period 1 Apr. 1987 to 31 Mar. 1988 RP 42 1989

Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing Annual Report 1 Apr. 1987 to 31 Mar. 1988 RP 55 1989

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dairy board for the financial year 1 Mar. 1987 to 29 Feb. 1988

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the SA wool board for the financial year 1 July 1987 to 30 June 1988 RP 82 1989

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed board for the financial year  1Sept. 1987 to 31 Aug. 1988 RP 83 1989

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseeds board for the financial year 1 June 1987 to 31 May 1988 RP 87 1989

RP Series 1990-1999

Report of the Auditor General on the Agricultural Research Council for 1993/1994 RP 65 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the dairy board 1993/1994 RP 87 1995

Department of Agriculture Annual Report RP 112 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the maize board for 1993/1994 RP 119 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the Land and Agricultural bank of South Africa for 1994/1995 RP 133 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the meat board for 1993/1994 RP 137 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the mohair board for the period 1 July 1993 to 15 December 1993 RP 148 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the lucerne seed board for the financial year 1 September 1993 to 31 August 1994 RP 171 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board for the financial year 1 January 1994 to 31 December 1994 RP 186 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board and the South African plant improvement organisation for the financial year 1 October 1993 to 30 September 1994 RP 187 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board for the financial year 1 October 1993 to 30 September 1994 RP 188 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the milk board for 1994/1995 RP 200 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board for the six months ended on 31 December 1994 RP 207 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the sorghum board for 1994/1995 RP 208 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board for 1994/1995 RP 209 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the Agricultural Research Council RP 210 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the South African wool board for the financial year 1 July 1993 TO 30 June 1994 RP 236 1995

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the maize board for 1994/1995 RP 43 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the oilseeds board for 1994/1995 RP 46 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the citrus board for 1994/1995 RP 58 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa for 1995/1996 RP 63 1996

Department of Agriculture.  Annual Report 1 April 1994 to 31 March 1995 RP 74 1996

Summary of the Annual Re;ort in Official Languages.  Department of Agriculture 1 April 1994 tp 31 March 1995 RP 75 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the lucerne seed board for the financial year 1 September 1994 to 31 August 1995 RP 87 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the wheat board for 1994/1995 RP 97 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the canning fruit board for the financial year 1 October 1994 to 30 September 1995 RP 113 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the deciduous fruit board and the South African plant improvement organisation for the financial year 1 October 1994 to 30 September 1995 RP 132 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board for ;the financial year 1 January 1995 to 31 December 1995 RP 133 1996

Report of the Auditor General on the Agricultural Research Council for 1995/1996 RP 150 1996

National Department of Agriculture.  Annual Report 1 April 1995 to 31 March 1996 RP 47 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the South African wool board for the financial year 1 July 1994 to 30 June 1995 RP 69 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa for the financial year ended 31 December 1996 RP 79 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the maize board for 1995/1996 RP 89 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the meat board for 1995 RP 90 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the lucerne seed board for the financial year 1 September 1995 to 31 August 1996 RP 91 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the sorghum board for the financial year ended on 30 April 1996 RP 92 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the milk board for 1995/1996 RP 94 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the citrus board for 1995/1996 RP 95 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the cotton board for 1995/1996 RP 96 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the deciduous fruit board and the South African plant improvement organisation for the financial year 1 October 1995 to 30 September 1996 RP 98 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the canning fruit board for the financial year 1 October 1995 to 30 September 1996 RP 104 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the mohair board for the period 1 February 1994 to 31 December 1994 RP 116 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the mohair board for the financial year 1 January 1995 to 31 December 1995 RP 119 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the Agricultural Research Council for 1996/1997 RP 137 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board for the financial year 1 January 1996 to 31 December 1996 RP 178 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the oilseeds board for 1995/1996 RP 180 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the South African Wool board for the financial year 1 jULY 1995 TO 30 jUNE 1996 RP 182 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the dried fruit board for the financial year 1 January 1996 to 31 December 1996 RP 183 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the sorghum board for 1996/1997 RP 41 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the milk board for 1996/1997 RP 52 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the cotton board for 1996/1997 RP 53 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the wheat board for 1995/1996 RP 59 1998

National Department Agriculture.  Annual Report 1 April 1996 to 31 March 1997 RP 72 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the meat board for 1996 RP 74 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the citrus board for 1996/1997 RP 90 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the maize board for 1996/1997 RP 128 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the dairy board liquidation account fot the period ended on 22 April 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the canning fruit board for the financial year 1 October 1996 to 30 September 1997 RP 142 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the dried fruit board for the financial year 1 January 1997 to 31 December 1997 RP 143 1997

Report of the Auditor General on the lucerne seed board for the financial year 1 September 1996 to 31 August 1997 RP 144 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa for the finanacial year ended 31 December 1997 RP 148 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the deciduous fruit board and the South African plant improvement organisation for the financial year 1 October 1996 to 30 September 1997 RP 151 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the Agricultural Research Council for 1997/1998 RP 163 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of vote 5 - Agriculture for the year ended 31 March 1998 RP 177 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the accounts of the mohair board for the financial year ended 31 December 1997 RP 218 1998

National Department of Agriculture.  Annual Report 1 April 1997 to 31 March 1998

Report of the Auditor General on the sorghum board for the period 1 May 1997 to 31 December 1997 RP 94 1999

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the maize board for the year ended 30 April 1998 RP 97 1999

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the oilseeds board for the year ended 31 May 1997 RP 105 1999

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the wheat board for the wheat board for the 15 months period ended 31 January 1998 RP 106 1999

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the cotton board for the 9 month period ended 31 December 1997 and the liquidation account as at 28 February 1999 RP 115 1999

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the citrus board for the year ended 31 March 1998 RP 122 199

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of vote 4 - Agriculture for the year ended 31 March 1999

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa for the year ended 31 December 1998 RP 162 1999

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the Meat Board for the financial year ended 31 December 1997 RP 166 1999

RP Series 2000

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the Agricultural Researcj Council for the year ended 31 March 1999 RP 40 2000

Annual Report National Department of Agriculture 1999 RP 59 2000

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the milk board for the month period ended 31 December 1997 and the liquidation account for the period 1 January 1998 to 31 December 1997 and the liquidation account for the period 1 January 1998 to 31 December 1999 RP 109 2000

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of vote 4- Agriculture for the year ended 31 March 2000 RP 113 2000

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the maize board for the year ended 30 April 1999 RP 149 2000

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the South African Wool board for the financial year ended 30 June 1997 RP 150 2000

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the meat board for the year ended 31 December 1998 RP 186 2000

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the maize board for the year ended 20 April 2000

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the National Agricultural Marketing Council for the year ended 31 March 1999 RP 36 2001

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the South African wool board for the financial period 1 July 1997 - 30 June 1999 RP 38 2001

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the National Agricultural Marketing Council for the year ended 31 March 2000

Department of Agriculture Annual Report 1 January 2000 to 31 March 2001

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the Agricultural Research Council for the year ended 31 March 2000 RP 98 2001

Agricultural Research Council Annual Report 2000/2001 RP 136 2001

Primary Agriculture Education and Training (PAETA) Authority Annual Report 2000/2001 RP 213 2001

Annual Report of the National Agricultural Marketing Council 2002 RP 5 2002

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the meat board for the years ended 31 December 1999 and 31 December 2000 RP 37 2002

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the maize board for the year ended 30 April 2001 RP 46 2002

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the citrus board for the years endes 31 March 1999, 31 March 2000 and 31 March 2001 RP 47 2002

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the South African wool board for the year ended 30 June 2000 RP 74 2002

BALA Farms Annual Report 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2001 RP 76 2002

SETA for Secondary Agriculture Annual Report 2002 RP 111 2002

South Africa Department of Agriculture.  Annual Report 2001/2002 RP 124 2002

Agricultural Research Council Annual Report 2001/2002 RP 191 2002

SETA for Secondary Agriculture.  Annual Report 2001 RP 210 2002

National Agricultural Marketing Council. Annual Report 2003 RP 6 2003

Agricultural Research Council.  Annual Report 2003 RP 37 2003

SETA for secondary Agriculture.  Annual Report 2003 RP 99 2003

Department of Agriculture.  Annual Report 2002/2003 RP 180 2003

Report of the Auditor General on the financial statements of the maize board for the financial year ended 30 April 2002 RP 194 2003

Annual Report of the national agricultural marketing council 2004 RP 7 2004

Seta for secondary Agriculture.  Annual Report 2004 RP 58 2004 

Primary Agriculture Education and Training Authority (PAETA).  Annual Report 2003/2004 RP 155 2004

Department of Agriculture.  Annual Report 2003/2004 RP 186 2004

Report of the Auditor General to Parliament on the financial statements of the citrus board for the financial year ended 31 March 2002 RP 204 2004

Department of Agriculture strategic plan 2005 RP 31 2005

Agriculture Research Council.  Annual Report 2004/2005 RP 88 2005

SETA for Secondary Agriculture.  Annual Report 2005 RP 107 2005

Annual Report of hte National Agricultural marketing council (NAMC) 2006 RP 1 2006

AgriSETA Annual Report 2005-2006 RP 66 2006

Agricultural Research Council (ARC=LNR) Annual Report 2005/2006 RP 168 2006

National Agricultural Marketing Council.  Annual Report 2007 RP 1 2007

Agri SETA Annual Report 2006/2007 RP 56 2007

Department of Agriculture.  Annual Report 2006/2007 RP 216 2007

Agriseta.  Annual Report 2008/2009 RP 83 2009

Agriseta.  Annual Report 2009/2010 RP 96 2010

AgriSeta.  Department of Higher Education and Training.  Annual Report 2010-2011 RP 144 2011

Commission of Inquiry

South Africa Parliament House of Assembly: Select Committee Reports

Historical Papers