If you search for "high blood pressure" in MeSH, you will see that the correct MeSH term for this condition is "hypertension". Terms in MeSH have a brief definition to allow you to choose the correct MeSH term. The definition for hypertension is:
"Persistently high systemic arterial BLOOD PRESSURE. Based on multiple readings (BLOOD PRESSURE DETERMINATION), hypertension is currently defined as when SYSTOLIC PRESSURE is consistently greater than 140 mm Hg or when DIASTOLIC PRESSURE is consistently 90 mm Hg or more".
Terms that are printed in CAPITAL LETTERS are in turn other MeSH terms that you can use to search PubMed.
The MeSH tree display allows you to:
The MeSH term hypertension falls under the Category of Diseases (C) in the tree structure. Diseases Category is therefore the highest ranked (broadest, or least specific) term in the tree. Within the category of Diseases, hypertension falls under the more specialised (narrower) category of Cardiovascular Diseases. Even more specific, is the category of Vascular Diseases, and hypertension is a specific form of Vascular Disease.
The condition of hypertension itself can be further classified into more and more specific types of hypertension, such as malignant hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension, renal hypertension and hypertensive retinopathy. Renovascular hypertension is a more specific condition than, but still related to, renal hypertension.
Diseases Category
Cardiovascular Diseases
Vascular Diseases
Hypertension, Malignant
Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced
Hypertension, Renal
Hypertension, Renovascular
Hypertensive Retinopathy
The term you used in your search, hypertension, is printed in bold type. Narrower (more specific) terms are lower on the tree and are indented. Thus, Hypertension, Renovascular is more specific (narrower) than Hypertension, Renal. You should always search using the most specific term that applies to your query.
When PubMed searches a MeSH term, it will automatically include narrower terms in the search. When you search PubMed, all related concepts are "mapped" or pulled together by using MeSH, and your search will become more accurate.
The controlled vocabulary term hypertension is used to cover other keywords that have been used to describe the same condition. These are called "entry terms". If you click on the hyperlink hypertension in MeSH, you will see under the terms and subheadings, the "entry terms"
Open the links below to compare the MeSH Trees for the terms anaemia, pernicious anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia. Remember to use the American spelling anemia. You also need to scroll to the bottom of the MeSH entry page to see the MeSH tree for each term.