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Social Sciences - International Relations : Reference Sources

Blackwell Reference Online - Books

  1. None The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy
    Edited by: Robert Falkner
  2. None The Handbook of Global Energy Policy
    Edited by: Andreas Goldthau
  3. None The International Studies Encyclopedia
    Edited by: Robert A. Denemark
  4. None The Handbook of Global Security Policy
    Edited by: Mary Kaldor and Iavor Rangelov
  5. A Companion to American Foreign Relations
    Edited by: Robert D. Schulzinger

Oxford Journals - Humanities

Social Sciences

African Affairs
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
The British Journal of Criminology
The British Journal of Social Work
Cambridge Journal of Economics
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
CESifo Economic Studies
Children & Schools
Chinese Journal of International Law
The Chinese Journal of International Politics
Community Development Journal
Contributions to Political Economy
Enterprise & Society: The International Journal of Business History
European Review of Agricultural Economics
European Review of Economic History
European Sociological Review
The Gerontologist
Health & Social Work
Industrial and Corporate Change
Interacting with Computers
International Journal of Public Opinion Research
International Journal of Transitional Justice
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
Journal of African Economies
Journal of Church and State
The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Journal of Economic Geography
Journal of Financial Econometrics
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A
Journal of Human Rights Practice
Journal of International Dispute Settlement
Journal of Professions and Organization
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Journal of Refugee Studies
Journal of Social History
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
Migration Studies
Oxford Economic Papers
Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Parliamentary Affairs
Political Analysis
Public Opinion Quarterly
Public Policy & Aging Report
Publius: The Journal of Federalism
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Refugee Survey Quarterly
Research Evaluation
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies
The Review of Economic Studies
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
Review of Finance
The Review of Financial Studies
Science and Public Policy
Social Forces
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society
Social Science Japan Journal
Social Work
Social Work Research
Socio-Economic Review
Sociology of Religion
Work, Aging and Retirement
The World Bank Economic Review
The World Bank Research Observer