MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) should always be used unless you are unable to find a relevant MeSH term.
MEDLINE uses a a controlled vocabulary, meaning that there is a specific set of terms used to describe each article. Familiarity with this vocabulary will make you a better PubMed searcher.
Click here for a quick tutorial on how to search the PubMed database using two or more MeSH terms in combination.
Opening and using multiple tabs on your Internet browser will make it easier to look up multiple terms on MeSH. You can then check MeSH terms, and add these to your Clincal Queries search strategy, without closing your Clinical Queries page.
Note: It is NOT POSSIBLE to apply Filters to your Clinical Queries search. You need to search as precisely as possible if you are using Clinical Queries. For example, if you want to restrict your search to articles relating to osteoporosis in men, your search statement in the search bar should read "osteoporosis AND male". You can then add your desired Clinical Category and your Scope.
However, you can set Filters once you select "see all" citations (at the bottom of your 5 quick results in Clinical Queries). You can also preset your Filters before you start your Clinical Queries search, if you have run an earlier search in PubMed. In both options you are now searching the PubMed database again, and this allows the setting of Filters.