Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Act (SI. No. 54 of 2005). Export and Import Rough Diamonds Regulations, 2004
Diamond Cutting Act (Cap.66:04) (Application for A License) 2000 Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery. Act no 15 of 1995
Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act 12, 1981Precious and Semi-Precious Stones (Protection) (Amendment) Act 1981
Diamond Cutting Regulations, 14 November 1980.
Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Act, 11 September 1980.
Regulations Of 1 November 1978 To Mines, Quarries, Works & Machinery Act.
BCL Limited (Amendments of Mining Lease) Act, 1978 Dated 21 March 1978
Mines and Minerals Act, 1976 Promulgated 14 December 1976, Effective 1 January 1977
De Beers Botswana Mining Company (Proprietary) Limited Agreement (Amendment) (Ratification) Act, 5 August 1975.
Semi-Precious Stones Regulations, 6 April 1973.
Mineral Rights Tax, 30 October 1972.
De Beers Botswana Mining Company (Proprietary) Limited Agreement (Amendment) Act, 18 October 1972.
Bamangwato Concessions Limited Mining Lease (Amendment) Act, 1971
Bamangwato Concessions Limited Mining Lease (Amendment No. 2) Act, 1971 Dated 16 December 1971
Bamangwato Concessions Limited Mining Lease (Amendment No. 3) Act, 1971 Dated 16 December 1971
The De Beers Botswana Mining Company (Proprietary) Limited Agreement Act, 3 June 1970.
Bamangwato Concessions Limited Mining Lease Act, 1970 (Enacted 3 June 1970)
Mines And Minerals (Health, Mortality And Labour Returns) Regulations, 1 May 1970.
Explosives Regulations, 1970 (Regulation 83) (Application for A Blasting License)
Explosives Regulations, 1970 (Regulation 87) (Application for A Restricted Blasting License)
Precious and Semi-Precious Stones (Forms) Regulations, 20 March 1970.
Precious and Semi-Precious Stones (Protection) Regulations, 31 October 1969.
Precious Stones Industry (Protection) Act 3, 1969
The Industrial Development Act, 6 March 1968.
Explosives Act 36, 1968
The Mines And Minerals Act 1967.
The Mineral Rights in Tribal Territories Act, 1967.
Mining Health, 1959.
Unwrought Precious Metals Proclamation of 29 September 1944 (Chapter 123)
Botswana Mineral Act
Mines and Minerals Act, 2005
Precious Stones Order 1970 (Order 24 Of 1970).
Mining Rights Act 1967 (Government Notice 11 Of 1968).
Mining Rights (Amendment) Act, 1968 (Government Notice 73 Of 1968)
Mining Rights Act Of 1967 (Act 43 of 15 December 1967).
Explosives Act No. 4 of 1961
Mining Act No. 5 of 1958
Natural Resources Act No. 71 of 1951
Mineral development fund of Namibia Act 19 of 1996
Amendments to the Minerals (Prospecting & Mining) Act (Draft)