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WHSL New Students' Guide: What You Can Do @ WHSL

A guide to the use of the Witwatersrand Health Sciences Library for new students

Study areas

WHSL provides areas for study purposes for individuals or groups. The Cyber Space and the Discussion Room can be used for group discussions. Carrels are also provided for individual study.

WHSL is a silent study library. No talking or disturbance is permitted in any of the study areas. The Discussion Room is a place where you can talk and share ideas with co-students, or work jointly on projects, so that you do not disturb other people who are trying to to study. Cell phone conversations are permitted only in the foyer area of WHSL, or in the Discussion Room. Make sure your phones are set to silent, meeting, or vibrate before entering.

You will find the Discussion Room in the south-west corner of WHSL.

Please ensure that the door is closed, and that you finish your conversation before leaving this room, so that you do not disturb other library users.

Discussion Room


Photocopying facilities are available in the library. Photocopiers operate on student, or staff ID cards at a cost of 38c per A4 page. Money can be deposited on student cards at  the ICAM-machine, which is located outside the Library adjacent to the ATM in the foyer of the medical School Building. After loading money on to your card, you only need to swipe your card through the card reader attached to a machine to enable you to make photocopies. Please be aware that there are copyright restrictions on photocopying large amounts of material.

Please do not attempt to clear jammed paper yourself, ask for assistance from the library staff.

Photocopying Room


Setting Wifi on your laptop

Click on the link below for instructions on how to setup wifi in your laptop.

Cyber Classroom

The Cyber Classroom is available for use by students between 08H30 - 16H45, provided it is not in use for teaching and training. Use your student number and password to log onto the computers. Please note that the library does not create log on passwords for students. No access to private email and social networking sites is allowed in this venue.

Logging on Cyber Classroom PC's

Username:      Your Student Number

Password:       Given to you by CNS (You may change this - see

Log on to:       Student

Computing Services for Students

A comprehensive Computer & Network Services (CNS) Guide to all computer services available for students can be found here. Please contact the student help desk, or phone 011 717-1717 for assistance with computer-related enquiries.


WHSL provides limited printing facilities for students. Other printing facilities are available at the following;

Unit for Undergraduate Medical Education (UUME, Level 3, Medical School). 

Computer Lab (CNS Lab), Level 3, Medical School.

Academic Hospital sites affiliate to teh Faculty of Health Sciences


Power Charging Stations

All fixed study carrells are fitted with electrical plugs for charging laptops, tablets, cell phones, etc. Please bring your own charger, the library does not keep chargers for students.

Laptop charging stations