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Science - GeoMaths Library - Actuarial Science: Find Articles / Electronic Resources

The Actuarial libguide has been created to help you find Actuarial Science information. You can use the links on these pages to access materials the library has purchased or subscribed to whether you are on or off campus.

Access to Electronic Resources

Off-campus users (staff and students) should note that they will be prompted for their staff or student number and library PIN to access the library resources.

Database searching

Bibliographic/Citation Databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

Multidiscipliniary databases cover a number of subjects from the Sciences to the Arts.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Africa Databases

Search Tips

Theses & Dissertations


For more information on Open Access ETDs see the following LibGuide: Scholarly Research & Related Resources. Refer to the page/tab on Research Support/Resources:ETDs and Scholarly Repositories.

Search for library materials and digital content

This search tool allows you to find content from the library catalogue, all the library’s databases, journals, ebooks, the institutional repository WIReDSpace, and unique digital collections only available in the Wits library.

 Advanced Search    Find e-books & e-journals     LibGuides     e-Wits Catalogue

Tutorials for Electronic Resources

Here you can teach yourself how to use the various databases.