The official citation style used by the School of Public Health is a version of Harvard, used in the Wits Faculty of Health Sciences. Harvard is an alphabetical style of citation, with alphabetical references in the text refering to an alphabetical list of References at the end of the work. However, depending on the nature of your puiblication (eg a research report or an article submitted for publication), you may also need to use the Vancouver Style. The Faculty's official Vancouver citation style guide might also be of assistance, but if you are publishing in a journal, please see the style preferred by the journal and adhere to that specific journal's Instructions to Authors.
An advanced level Harvard guide is under preparation, In the interim, the basic level guide WHSL Citing the Medical LIterature should be used.
The University Library currently subscribes to RefWorks on behalf of students and staff at the University, but is unlikely to continue this subscription beyond the end of 2013 owing to financial constraints.
WHSL therefore recommends using End Note, which is available on CD from CNS at Senate House for a nominal cost per user license. The software is then loaded onto your own pc. WHSL will be supporting End Note from the end of 2013.
You may also wish to make use of free web-based software such as Zotero or Mendeley.