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Information Literacy: Post Graduate Libguide: Electronic Resources

Your gateway to the Information Literacy Resources relevant to your Post Graduate information needs.

  Google Scholar (Note : databases are rich in scholarly articles)

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Research Databases and Tools

E-Wits Catalogue (Find Print Books, Journals, Theses and eBooks )

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Turnitin is a system used by academics to assist with plagiarism detection. Wits want its students to be accountable for their own academic progress and to improve the quality of their scholarly work. Plagiarism, which is a failure to acknowledge other peoples work and ideas, undermines this accountability. Technology has made it possible for students to submit their assignments to a system that checks assignments for unoriginal content.




A vibrant community creating technology that enhances teaching, learning and research. Click any of the above icons to access SAKAI. 


Multidisciplinary Databases