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WHSL Saved Searches - PubMed's My NCBI: Home

How to use PubMed's My NCBI, and other methods of keeping up to date with the latest medical information

What is My NCBI

My NCBI is PubMed's tool to enable you to

  • save your searches, 
  • run searches automatically, according to your instructions,
  • have search results emailed to you in order to keep up to date, and 
  • save your profile and preferences.

You can also create RSS feeds to keep up to date with your searches

You can save search results as Collections

Create a bibliography

To Create An NCBI Account

To Create an Account From PubMed home page, click on Log in (upper right)

On the next page, scroll down to the bottom and click on "New here? Sign up"

Choose one of the suggested options (Google, Orcid) as a 3rd party sign in

Complete the requested fields and click Sign Up.

You should receive a message that your account has been created.

You will receive an email from NCBI, you must click on the link in order to have full functionality of your account.

Instructional videos

News from NLM

There have been some changes made in the  " My Bibliography" feature. Read the NLM Technical Bulletin of May-Jun 2011 by clicking on the link to find out more.

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