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Built Environment: Architecture: Reference Sources

A gateway for students in architectural studies providing guidelines, services, information and research techniques.

Open Access Resources


PLEASE NOTE: The SEARCH block/functionality is currently not working. If you have the number of the standard/s you need you can however browse the COMPLETE LIST OF STANDARDS (underneath the SEARCH block) and download the standard you need.


Provides full text access to the complete collection of national regulations and guidelines issued by the South African Bureau of Standards. The standards are specifications, codes of practice, and standardized methods that relate to products or commodities. They include descriptions of the commodities, their method of manufacture, handling, materials, properties and other relevant aspects. Wits University has full-text access to the complete collection of SABS standards

Terms & conditions of use: The standards are for non-commercial use by authorised users only. Users are alerted to the fact that the systematic downloading of content, retention of substantial portions of content and the transmission of online content to mailing lists is strictly prohibited. 

Recommended Referencing System for Wits BE Students

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