The Architecture & Built Environment Library is located on the first floor of the John Moffat Building. Together with the Engineering Library, the Architecture & BE Library serves primarily the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment. The library is a small and designated library for study and research, which holds a good collection of books for the Built Environment. An Archives of Architectural & Planning drawings is underway and some of it can be viewed on WIReDSpace.
The Engineering Library Electronic Class room may be used for individual class sessions, presentations or workshops by staff. There are 16 networked PC workstations, and one instructor's station with Netop Vision Teacher software. This system allows the instructor to control all the computers in the classroom from the instructor's station, including projecting any student workstation to everyone. The PC workstation monitor for the instructor can also be projected onto an Interactive screen.
An extensive range of print collections, electronic resources, electronic journals and electronic books is accessible through the Library web site. These include the eWits OPAC (the Library's online catalogue) and Electronic Theses and Databases. Group training sessions and individual assistance on the use of these resources are offered by the librarians. It is important to consult your subject specific libguides here for relevant resources.
The Library is dedicated to serving the research and teaching needs of our Built Environment and students, as well as the larger university community. Admission to the Architecture library is automatically granted through the use of the Wits Staff or Student card. And your Library Account help center provides a step by step of how to create your own library account.
Interlibrary loans (ILL) is a service which supports and enhances the University Library collections when these fail to meet the needs of the University academic staff and postgraduate students. ILLs are transactions between the libraries of institutions to facilitate access to information which extends beyond that held by any individual library, and there is usually a cost incurred. This service is based on the premise that no single library can meet completely the information needs of researchers.
Request via the Internet only: Please fill in all the fields when you request a book or journal article online.
This service is primarily for the use of the WITS Staff community, researchers, and postgraduate students.
The status of the user determines the loan periods for books in all libraries, unless these are coded non-circulating, in-library or three-day. For additional loan rules consult the Library's Loan Rule webpage.
Renewals, bookings, fines and holds
Interlibrary Loans: Interlibrary loans (ILL) supports Library collections for University academic staff and postgraduate students. Online requests from Wits University staff and students may be made using the Interlibrary Loans web site. Alternatively, requests can be made by e-mail, fax, or on paper forms available from the ILL office, or any Branch Library. The more detailed the information supplied the more rapidly the item is likely to be supplied.
Need help from the Wits Architecture Library? Click on this link: Wits Architecture Library Help.
1. Open your phone’s camera app.
2. Point it at the QR Code
3. Tap the notification to download the App
There are 2 photocopiers in the Architecture library. Photocopiers operate on student, staff or permit cards. For prices check the table below on this page. Money can be deposited on student cards at any of the ICAM-machines available at various locations on campuses. After loading money on to your card, you only need to swipe your card through the card reader attached to a machine to enable you to make photocopies. We offer the use of one photocopier as a free scanning facility. Scanned pages are converted to a pdf and can be e-mailed as an attachment. The Pay for Print facility allows printing from any or the library's PC workstations.
Computing facilities include 6 workstations. Access to the library's web site, online catalog, electronic resources and internet, is provided. Wireless connectivity for laptops is available throughout the library. A limited number of data and power ports are also available in the library if needed.