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Open Access Publishing @ Wits: Oxford University Press

This LibGuide provides useful information about Open Access at Wits including the Wits Article Processing Charge (APC) fund, as well as Transformative OA agreements that apply to Wits authors

Oxford University Press Read and Publish Agreement


  • SANLiC (South African National Library & Information Consortium) has negotiated an agreement with Oxford University Press (OUP) to support Open Access publishing.

  • As a member of SANLiC, Wits has signed an agreement with Springer for the period 2023-2025.

  • The Read & Publish agreement allows full reading access to OUPs full 2023 collection of over 370 journal titles. Authors that affiliate with SANLiC institutions can publish open access in hybrid titles without paying Article Processing Charges (APCs). There is a 10% discount on APCs for publishing in OUPs gold open access titles

  • To read more about SANLIC's Open Access agreement with OUP click here.

  • Read the author guide here

  • SANLiC Oxford University Press Read and Publish - Journals title list

Oxford University Press Read and Publish Agreement


How do I know if I am eligible?

To be eligible to publish Open Access and use funding from participating SANLIC institutions you must be:

  • The corresponding author of the article

  • Affiliated to one of the SANLIC affiliated Institutions listed here. You must indicate this as your primary affiliation when submitting the article in order to be recognized as eligible

  • Publishing a research, or review article

  • Publishing in an hybrid journal listed here

OUP will verify your eligibility before paying your Open Access charge.

  • For fully open access journals, please refer to and follow the steps laid out in this guide, or declare your affiliated institutions when requested during the submission process, to submit your article’s open access APC to said institutions.
  • Find more information for authors here.