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Open Access Publishing @ Wits: Elsevier

This LibGuide provides useful information about Open Access at Wits including the Wits Article Processing Charge (APC) fund, as well as Transformative OA agreements that apply to Wits authors

ScienceDirect (Elsevier) Read & Publish Agreement 2023-2025


  • SANLiC (South African National Library & Information Consortium) has negotiated an agreement with ScienceDirect (Elsevier) to support Open Access publishing.

  • The Read & Publish agreement allows full reading access to over 1,660 subscription-based journal titles in the ScienceDirect Freedom Collection

  • Authors affiliated with SANLiC institutions may publish in any of ScienceDirect Hybrid Open Access journals at no charge to the author.

  • As from 2023 researchers are able to publish in ScienceDirect's Gold Open Access journals and eligible corresponding authors receive a 15% APC discount on Elsevier's gold open access portfolio titles.

  • Herewith a list of Elsevier Hybrid & Gold OA titles: ScienceDirect Hybrid & Gold OA titles

  • To read more about SANLIC's Open Access agreement with ScienceDirect (Elsevier) here.

ScienceDirect (Elsevier) Read & Publish Agreement 2023-2025

  • To be eligible:

    • Articles must have an original acceptance date between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2025.

    • The following article types are part of this agreement:

      • Case reports

      • Data in Briefs

      • Full-length articles

      • Micro-articles

      • Original software publication

      • Practice guidelines

      • Protocols

      • Review articles

      • Replication studies

      • Short communications

      • Short surveys

      • Video articles

    • Open Access information for authors here
    • For publishing Gold or Hybrid Open Access, here are ScienceDirect (Elsevier) policies and guidelines 
    • Find more information for authors here.