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WHSL Wits Health Sciences Library: Library Services

Welcome to the Health Science Library Libguide. your one-stop guide with information on resources and services that are tailor-made for WITS Health Sciences students, academics and researchers.

Information and Digital Literacy Training



Formulating effective search strategies
Information evaluation skills
Advanced information retrieval skills
Access relevant resources using library databases.
Conducting systematic searches for evidence synthesis
Conducting a literature search using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
AI enhanced library research support


Citation and Referencing support

  • Prescribed referencing styles
  • Anti-plagiarism strategies   
  • Automated reference management tool


Post-Publication Support

Research(er) visibility

  • Boost your researcher's profile with visibility tools

  • Generate research impact reports from different tools

Measure Your Impact:

Utilize bibliometrics, altmetrics, SDGs impact and collaboration reports to assess your research influence.

Citation Insights:

Receive detailed citation reports at individual, department, school, or faculty levels.


Publishing Support

  • WiredSpace & ETD: and submit your research outputs, including Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs).
  • Choose your journal: Identify accredited, relevant, and high impact journals to publish in.
  • Avoid predatory, cloned, and fake journals, publishers, and conferences.
  • Enhancing your research impact through Open Access Publishing:
    • APC Funding
    • Transformational agreements