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MedlinePlus contains
- A dictionary
- A medical encyclopaedia
- Health topics organised by
- Body systems
- Disorders and conditions
- Diagnosis and therapy
- Demographic groups (eg. Children)
- General health and wellness issues
- Videos and other cool tools such as interactive tutorials and calculators
Suggested Exercises
Use MedlinePlus to
- Find the definition of prophylactic in the dictionary.
- Note: By clicking on the audio tab you can hear the term pronounced
- Find background information about malaria in the medical encyclopedia
- Find a picture of an adult mosquito feeding on skin
- Find information on the use of DDT to control malaria
- NB: DDT is no longer considered safe for use in the USA. Some information in this factsheet may therefore be out of date
- Find and play with an interactive tutorial on gout
- Find and play with a short anatomy video on a dislocated shoulder joint
- Find a web site on the anatomy of the hand
Deputy Witwatersrand Health Sciences Librarian