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WHSL Chemical Pathology: Books

Finding electronic books

IF YOU KNOW THE TITLE (or words in the title) OF A BOOK, click on the link below to open a search box where you can enter the title, or part of the title, of the book you need. Click on the e-books tab to search for electronic books by title

 Please select one of the following options, from the drop down list. 

  • Match all words (enter the full journal title)
  • Match exact words (enter the words exactly as they appear in the journal title)
  • Match any words (enter any words that may appear in the journal title) 

For subject searching, you need to go to one of the databases such as PubMed.

Please report errors by email here


For information about the number of concurrent users with access to each book, click the blue "i" after the title

Forensic Medicine



The study of microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, algae, archaea, and viruses.


Other E-Books

You will often need to refer to other biomedical books for other courses you are studying, or for backgraound reading. 

Finding Print at WHSL

Remember we also have print journals that can be found on the catalogue.

Most journals at WHSL are now only available electronically. However, some of the older journals are only available in print. In order to find out if WHSL has a journal, first check for it by using the e-journal finder in the box above. However, if the journal you want is not available elctronically, then check the catalogue for print holdings. Make sure that you change the drop down menu from Keyword to Journal Title before searching.

Note the LOCATION of the title you want. The Witwatersrand Health Sciences Library (location code WHSL) is at the Medical School on the entry level (Level 4) on the Parktown Campus. 

Then note the SHELF NUMBER of the journal. This is the "address" at which the journal is physically housed on the shelves. Note: this location number may be different in different libraries, depending on which classification system is used.

Finally, note the STATUS of the volume and/or issue you want. The status may be ISSUED (ie. it has been taken out, and the date on which it is due to be returned should be reflected as DUE) or NOT ISSUED (ie. it should be on the shelf).

Book Recommendations

If you notice a gap in our book stock, please complete this form and hand it in at the library.