Google Scholar Profiles allows authors to showcase their academic publications and citations. It is free and easy to set up, especially if you already have a Google account. The profile itself shows your list of publications in Google Scholar with basic metrics. Google Scholar provides a simple way to search for scholarly publications and allows searching from one place covering many disciplines and sources i.e articles, book chapters, books, abstracts, posters, patents, technical reports and court opinions. Content are from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
You will need a Gmail account in order to create a Google Scholar profile.
For more information on creating a Google Scholar profile etc. check the below links:
Remember that the Google Scholar database does not have set inclusion parameters (e.g. journals, date ranges). Researchers should regularly check their own profile for duplicates, omissions and errors.
Citation counts and indices should not be compared between disciplines.
H-Index is the largest number h such that h publications have at least h citations. The second column has the "recent" version of this metric which is the largest number h such that h publications have at least h new citations in the last 5 years.
i10-Index is the number of publications with at least 10 citations. The second column has the "recent" version of this metric which is the number of publications that have received at least 10 new citations in the last 5 years.