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MA In ICT Programme Subject Guide.: Home

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This subject guide is designed to make your studies a pleasant one here at Wits and in it you will find detailed and specific subject area coverage relating to your degree programme.

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ICT 2015 - Innovate, Connect, Transform, 20-22 October 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal

2 core textbooks have been placed on the 3 Day Loan Shelf for the SLLS 7068 Module!

Have you tried Netlaw???  Find it on the Subject Information Resources page..and find all the Goverment Gazettes and Notices that you need...

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Welcome And Statement from Course leader

Master of Arts in the field of ICT Policy and Regulation 2015

This postgraduate degree provides regulators, operators and policy-makers in the electronic communications sector (telecommunications, broadcasting, Internet) and practitioners in the broad ICT sector with a high level of knowledge on the global trends in sector evolution, as well as the theoretical foundations for conducting research on topics of interest. The 2-year part-time Masters is offered under the auspices of the LINK Centre (SLLM) in the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.


This is a research-intensive environment, supporting the exploration of research topics in: transitions to digital knowledge economies, technology trends and regulatory reform, market structures and approaches to regulation, sector legislation and institutional arrangements, costing concepts and pricing models, spectrum regulation and ICT resource allocation, digital TV migration and broadcast innovation, regulatory impact assessment, and other topics of interest to operators, regulators and policy-makers. The academics teaching on the programme and providing research supervision have an extensive knowledge of the field and are familiar with the legal and institutional contexts of many of the SADC countries. Graduates of the programme are from Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Academics teaching on the programme include Luci Abrahams, Charley Lewis, Professor Andrew Barendse and Professor Justine Limpitlaw. Research supervisors include Professor Nolwazi Mbananga, Professor Simon White and Dr Kiru Pillay.


From 2015, the degree programme will consist of 3 modules each of 2 weeks duration (block release) and a 50% research report (approximately 35,000 words). The three modules and the research proposal will be completed in the first year of study and the research report will be completed in the second year of study. 


For a discussion on enrolment for the degree: Contact: Luci Abrahams, Director LINK Centre, SLLM, University of the Witwatersrand at (mobile email)

2014 Postgraduate Workshop Calendar



South African ICT R & D Innovation Strategy

Subject Guide

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Nkemeleng Lesejane
First Floor
Wartenweiler library
East Campus
University of the Witwatersrand
011 717 1912

Wartenweiler Library Hours


MON,TUES,THURS   8.00 -23.00

WED 9.00 - 23.00

FRI: 8.00 - 17.00

SAT: 8.30 -17.00

SUN: 14.00-20.00


MON,TUES,THURS,FRI  8.00 - 17.00

WED 9.00-17.00

SAT Closed