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Undergraduate LibGuide: Home

This guide is aimed at providing resources and other information to Undergraduate Students. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather a starting point for your research. Enjoy the surfing!


Welcome to the Undergraduate Libguide. Please remember to consult your Librarian should you experience problems with the Library Resources.



Turnitin is a system used by academics to assist with plagiarism detection. Wits want its students to be accountable for their own academic progress and to improve the quality of their scholarly work. Plagiarism, which is a failure to acknowledge other peoples work and ideas, undermines this accountability. Technology has made it possible for students to submit their assignments to a system that checks assignments for unoriginal content.

Useful Tips

Log into Sakai user ID( student number) password( the one you use to log into WITS emails. If you don’t have a password contact CNS on 011 717 1633/1610

  1. Click on course site.
  2. Look for your name, under it click view details and submit
  3. Look for add attachment link at the bottom of your page( click on the link)
  4. Browse for the document
  5. Click continue
  6. Where the attachment is under it there is submit tab click on it
  7. Say yes to “are you sure you want to submit to your instructor


A vibrant community creating technology that enhances teaching, learning and research. Click any of the above icons to access SAKAI. 

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Thuli Dhlamini
Education Library
Park Town Campus
University of the Witwatersrand

Tel: +27 11 717-3240