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Copyright Guidelines for Staff & Students of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (WITS): Applying for Permission (Short Courses)

This LibGuide provides definitions, legislation and procedures for copyright clearance for teaching and research purposes.

Copying material for Short Courses (non-FTE subsidized)

Non-FTE subsidised short courses are excluded from the Blanket Licence Agreement. 

Faculties/Schools need to budget for copyright on an annual basis. 

Please submit copyright applications via the online copyright form (see Tab on this Libguide).  The Scholarly Communications Librarian will send a separate request to DALRO for a Transactional Licence (which is not part of the Blanket Licence).  

On receipt of copyright forms for a short course, a quotation and invoice will be generated by DALRO.  The invoice will be sent by the Scholarly Communications Librarian to the relevant School for payment.  Payment should be made directly to DALRO, once a purchase order number has been provided to DALRO. 

For any queries or information, please ring 011-7171929.