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Copyright Guidelines for Staff & Students of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (WITS): Applying for copyright

This LibGuide provides definitions, legislation and procedures for copyright clearance for teaching and research purposes.

Applying for Copyright

Lecturers and/or tutors are responsible for clearing copyright for the material they use in their courses.  They can complete the Online Copyright Form themselves, or ask course-coordinators or other admin staff to do it for them.  If the latter, the lecturer/tutor must please provide the admin person(s) with all the bibliographic and other relevant information to enable them to complete the copyright forms.  

Unfortunately, this system does not have a copy facility for submitters to keep a record of their application forms, but should you require a copy of the Excel output sheet that the system generates for the Scholarly Communications Office, or should you have any queries, please contact the Wits Scholarly Communications Librarian (Tel. 011 717 1929)