A list of Accredited journals by the Department is provided, based on the following indices: IBSS, Scopus, Norwergian, Web of Science, ScieLO SA, DOAJ and DHET list.
2019 Accredited Journals ListAmong the lists, we would like to highlight the DHET list. Form this year, 2019, and as with all journals appearing in international indices, the DHET list will no longer contain journals appearing in SCIELO SA. As an approved index for purposes of research subsidy claims by the DHET, and among Scopus, ISI, IBSS and the Norwegian List, journals whose seat of publication is in South Africa will be removed from the DHET List if and when they appear in SCIELO-SA. This will be in line with all other South African journals appearing in other international indices that are approved by the DHET. That means, the affected journal will have to undergo and comply with the conditions; quality checks and, generally, stipulated publishing policy of the index of the listed journal.
For any questions on or related to the above matter, please do not hesitate to contact Maanda. F@dhet.gov.za and Ntuli.w@dhet.gov.za
2018 DHET Accredited Journals ListAmong the lists, we would like to highlight the DHET list. Form this year, 2019, and as with all journals appearing in international indices, the DHET list will no longer contain journals appearing in SCIELO SA. As an approved index for purposes of research subsidy claims by the DHET, and among Scopus, ISI, IBSS and the Norwegian List, journals whose seat of publication is in South Africa will be removed from the DHET List if and when they appear in SCIELO-SA. This will be in line with all other South African journals appearing in other international indices that are approved by the DHET. That means, the affected journal will have to undergo and comply with the conditions; quality checks and, generally, stipulated publishing policy of the index of the listed journal.
For any questions on or related to the above matter, please do not hesitate to contact Maanda. F@dhet.gov.za and Ntuli.w@dhet.gov.za