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Built Environment Library: eBooks

This Branch Library serves the Schools of Architecture & Planning, Construction Economics & Management

Access to eBooks

Off-campus users (staff and students) should note that they will be prompted for a staff or student number and pin to access the library's eBooks.

Finding eBooks

The Library has a large collection of  eBooks and we are continually acquiring new titles as more content becomes available in an electronic format. 
When searching for eBooks on your topic, use the advanced eWits catalogue search option as this provides a quick and effective way of identifying relevant titles.  It searches across the Library's range of eBook collections, saving you time and the need to search each collection separately.      
If books are available on your topic, they will display in your results list and may include a mix of both print and eBooks.  You can easily identify an eBook from a print one as it will have the tag [electronic resource] next to its title.  
If you want to limit your search to eBooks only, see the following:

How to Find eBooks on the library eWits Catalogue.

It is also possible to find eBooks by searching specific eBook collections.  See the Library's individual eBook platforms for a list of available collections.  To locate relevant eBooks, you will often have to conduct keyword searches within these collections or browse through their list of available titles.   

Open Access eBook collections

eBook platforms


Kindles to Take Out

The Architecture library has two Kindles to download the PDF version of library e-books and journal articles. To borrow a Kindle please visit the library circulation desk. Each Kindle may be borrowed for two weeks and can be renewed once depending on the demand.