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BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Construction Economics and Management: E-Journal Finder

Libguides is a gateway to information needed for Construction Management and Quantity Surveying Studies.

Finding electronic journals and electronic books

Click on the link below to open a search box where you can enter the title, or part of the title, of the journal you need. This is not for finding articles on a subject, but only for locating a particular journal when you know the title, or part of the title. 

Click on the e-books tab to search for electronic books by title.

 Please select one of the following options, from the drop down list. 

Starts with (this is the default)

  • Match all words (enter the full journal title)
  • Match exact words (enter the words exactly as they appear in the journal title)
  • Match any words (enter any words that may appear in the journal title) 

For subject searching, you need to go to one of the databases.

Please note that if there are errors in this portal. Please report these by email here. We apologise for this, and we will be working on fixing these.