Off-campus users (staff and students) should note that they will be prompted for a staff- or student-number and pin to access the library resources.
Please see instructions if you a encounter security certificate warning. Examples for Chrome, Explorer and Firefox.
Citation databases are databases that, in addition to bibliographic data, indicates the number of citations per publication. Many citation indexes provide links to the publishers' website to help users find full texts. Bibliographic databases such as Web of Science and Scopus not only provide indexing and abstracting services, but also offer advanced functions of result analysis, and can help users to identify high-impact research. Source
SciFinder-n is your portal to chemistry and related information providing easy access to the most trusted collection of chemical substances, reactions and literature references in the world.
Access to SciFinder-n is by username and password, and is restricted to currently registered staff and students of the university. First-time users will need to register & create an account in order to access the database.
PLEASE NOTE that for SciFinder-n (the new interface) you need to use the same login details you used for SciFinder in the past .
To log in to the database itself, go to SciFinder-n
Introductory Materials
This search tool allows you to find content from the library catalogue, all the library’s databases, journals, ebooks, the institutional repository WIReDSpace, and unique digital collections only available in the Wits library.
JoVE is the world's first and only peer-reviewed scientific video journal that increases productivity. It creates the ultimate solutions for advancing research and science education by making and publishing videos of scientific experiments from the top laboratories around the globe. JoVE creates scientific video collections. Some of the JoVE unique resources include: JoVE Journal, JoVE Science Education and JoVE Core.
Jove Engineering includes research methods and protocols for mechanical, electrical, materials and chemical engineering applications. (454 VIDEO ARTICLES)
Jove Science Education. Engineering.
Jove Science Education. Engineering provides key concepts and fundamental techniques in Engineering - Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Engineering. Aeronautical Engineering (launched in October 2019).
In addition to the above Wits now has access to JoVE Unlimited that include all Science Education and Research video collections.
PLEASE NOTE: The SEARCH block/functionality is currently not working. If you have the number of the standard/s you need you can however browse the COMPLETE LIST OF STANDARDS (underneath the SEARCH block) and download the standard you need.
Provides full text access to the complete collection of national regulations and guidelines issued by the South African Bureau of Standards. The standards are specifications, codes of practice, and standardized methods that relate to products or commodities. They include descriptions of the commodities, their method of manufacture, handling, materials, properties and other relevant aspects. Wits University has full-text access to the complete collection of SABS standards
Terms & conditions of use: The standards are for non-commercial use by authorised users only. Users are alerted to the fact that the systematic downloading of content, retention of substantial portions of content and the transmission of online content to mailing lists is strictly prohibited.
For more information on Open Access ETDs see the following LibGuide: Scholarly Research & Related Resources.
Knovel provides a web-based engineering unit converter which integrates technical information with analytical and search tools. Designed to increase calculation efficiency while maintaining high levels of accuracy, this tool is freely available and is accessible on desktop and mobile platforms.
This release of Knovel Unit Converter includes over 1000 units and performs maths functions. Engineers can create custom units by selecting and combining appropriate units. Knovel Unit Converter incorporates a full-fledged maths engine.