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WHSL Radiology & Oncology: Books

This Guide was prepared for students and staff interested in radiation oncology

Finding electronic books

IF YOU KNOW THE TITLE (or words in the title) OF A BOOK, click on the link below to open a search box where you can enter the title, or part of the title, of the book you need. Click on the e-books tab to search for electronic books by title

 Please select one of the following options, from the drop down list. 

  • Match all words (enter the full journal title)
  • Match exact words (enter the words exactly as they appear in the journal title)
  • Match any words (enter any words that may appear in the journal title) 

For subject searching, you need to go to one of the databases such as PubMed.

Please report errors by email here

Biomedical Research

For information about the number of concurrent users with access to each book, click the blue "i" after the title

Diagnostic Imaging

Evidence-Based Medicine



Radiation Oncology



Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary

The Merriam Webster medical dictionary is now available on your mobile device. The National Library of Medicine  (NLM) has made this available via MedlinePlus Mobile. This includes sound clips so you can hear how to pronounce the term. 

Print Books and Theses

To search the Wits catalog click here

For links from MeSH (subject headings) to print material, click on the MeSH term below

Diagnotic Imaging

Health Physics

Medical Oncology

Neoplasms (specific Neoplasms are also listed)

Nuclear Medicine




Other E-Books

In addition to the anaesthesiology books, you will often need to refer to other biomedical books for other courses you are studying, or for backgraound reading. 


Book Recommendations

If you notice a gap in our book stock, please complete this form and hand it in at the library.  

Remember the print books

Remember to search the catalogue for print books

Shelf numbers (Library Addresses)

Diagnosis:  WB 141 to WB 293

Ragiology. Diagnostic Imaging: WN

It's not at Wits....

If the journal article you require is not available either in print or in electronic format at any of Wits Libraries, and you are a post-graduate student, or a member of staff, you may request a copy from another library in South Africa from Inter-Library Loans (ILL). You will be asked to provide your student information and your Library PIN. Please enter as much detail as possible, and submit. You will be contacted once the article arrives if you provide a phone number at which you can be reached during office hours. You may enter this in the column that asks for an amount that you are willing to pay for the article. Please note: there is a nominal charge for all ILLs, depending on from where the article is obtained.

Theses in Print