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WHSL Radiology & Oncology: How to use My NCBI

This Guide was prepared for students and staff interested in radiation oncology

Saving your searches

Login to PubMed and first run your search.

Once you are satisfied that your search is retrieving the kind of information which you need, click on the save search link in blue which appears below the search box. 

Sign in to My NCBI

Give your search a name which clearly indicates the subject, and click save.

Decide whether or not you would like to receive email updates on the subject and specify how often the search should be re-run, the format in which you wish to receive the results, and limit the number of references sent.

Remember that you can later change all of the settings, or cancel the search.

Run Saved searches

Even if you have not arranged to have updates emailed to yourself, you can repeat one of your saved searches at any time.

Login to PubMed and sign in to My NCBI 

Open My Saved Data

  • There are two ways to re-run one of your saved searches .
    • Click in the square to the left of the title of the saved search. Note that you can select more than one search.
    • Click on the Show What's New button at the bottom of the list of saved searches.
    • A screen listing the results will automatically open
  • Alternatively
    • Click on the title of the search you wish to repeat. The search will be re-run and a PubMed search page will open with the results. 

Create a bibliography

You may want to create a bibliography, which will automatically list references in the PubMed citation style. This has been created in order for authors to keep a bibliography of their authored works, but it can be used for other types of bibliography. 

Sign in to My NCBI

Open PubMed and run a search, selecting the items you wish to include in your bibliography. If you do not select items, all of the results will be included. 

Click of the Send To drop down menu on the right hand side. 

Select My Bibliography , and the number of items will be mentioned. 

Click Add to My Bibliography, or you have the opportunity to make changes to your selection now.

The items will be saved at My Bibliography or Other Citations.

Later, by opening My Saved Data, you can add or delete items, sort , and print.

Other references such books, chapters in books, presentations or meeting abstracts can also be added manually, by using My Bibliography templates. 




Video help for My NCBI

Create a collection

The purpose of Collections is to build a list of articles as the result of a successful search. The process is similar to that of creating a bibliography.

Login to PubMed, and sign in to My NCBI

Run a search, and select the references which you would like to save. If you do not select anything, all of your results will be saved

Click on the Send To drop-down menu at the top of the page on the left.

Click in the button to the left of Collections. You will be able to create a new collection of append the results to an existing collection.

Collections can be edited by adding or removing items and also sorted. 


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