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WHSL BCMP: Databases & Websites

This guide has been created specifically for undergraduate BCMP students

What is here?

The Clinical Tools tab has been divided into boxes for article searching, diagnosis, calculators, evidence-based resources, clinical examination, and drug information. The links within each of these boxes open up either a web site, a database, or an e-book. 

Essential Databases

Videos Demonstrating Procedures

Search Engines: Google Scholar or Wikipedia or OpenMD or Mednar

Search Google Scholar:  

Search Wikipedia:  


Search OpenMD:    


Search Mednar:    

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Discovery tool: Search for library materials and digital content

This search tool allows you to find content from the library catalogue, all the library’s databases, journals, ebooks, the institutional repository WIReDSpace, and unique digital collections only available in the Wits library.

 Advanced Search    Find e-books & e-journals     LibGuides     e-Wits Catalogue


As you hover your mouse over the database title, you will find a brief description of the resource.


As you hover your mouse over the database title, you will find a brief description of the resource.

Evidence-Based Resources

Use these resources to find the best possible care plans. These articles have been pre-appraised.

As you hover your mouse over the database title, you will find a brief description of the resource.

Physician Assistants

Clinical Examination

As you hover your mouse over the database title, you will find a brief description of the resource.

Drug Information

As you hover your mouse over the database title, you will find a brief description of the resource.

Patient Education