This LibGuide has been prepared, with the BCMP undergraduate students in mind, in order to simplify access to electronic books and databases, as well as print materials, that are important in the health care field. Please use the tabs at the top of the page, to navigate around the guide.
Please feel free to recommend changes and suggest additions. Your feedback is essential in making this LibGuide useful. Please report missing web pages and broken links.Make suggestions for useful additions and useless deletions. The library phome number is 011 717-2348
Electronic resources from WHSL are available remotely and by wifi on the Faculty lawns. Wifi is also available throughout WHSL, and laptop, tablet and mobile phone charging stations are available at every fixed carrell (workspace).
Remember that the Guide will change regularly as more and more resources are added, and outdated resources are removed. Be prepared for changes every time you open the LibGuide as improvements are made.
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Great new way to search for drug information by drug class. RxClass allows users to search and browse drug classes and their RxNorm drug members through a simple Web interface
Try the new PubMed on your mobile device
Click to open is a useful document from the South African Medical Association.
Here is some practical and ethical guidance for doctors and medical students.