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WHSL BCMP: Library

This guide has been created specifically for undergraduate BCMP students

Finding electronic journals and electronic books

Click on the link below to open a search box where you can enter the title, or part of the title, of the journal you need. This is not for finding articles on a subject, but only for locating a particular journal when you know the title, or part of the title. 

Click on the e-books tab to search for electronic books by title.

 Please select one of the following options, from the drop down list. 

Starts with (this is the default)

  • Match all words (enter the full journal title)
  • Match exact words (enter the words exactly as they appear in the journal title)
  • Match any words (enter any words that may appear in the journal title) 

For subject searching, you need to go to one of the databases such as PubMed.

Please note that if there are errors in this portal. Please report these by email here. We apologise for this, and we will be working on fixing these. 

Library Catalogue (OPAC)

Library hours

  Image result for library hours 

 eResources available 24/7

                                         Enquiries/Queries:  0117172348


Monday  08h00-23h00
Tuesday 08h00-23h00
Wednesday 08h00-23h00
Thursday    08h00-23h00
Friday 08h00-18h00
Saturday 08h30-17h00
Sunday   14h00-20h00



Chris Hani Baragwanath Library   

 Monday       CLOSED

Tuesday       08h00-16h00

Wednesday   CLOSED

Thursday      08h00-16h00

Friday           CLOSED

WHEN CLOSED  ENQUIRIES  Tel. 0117172348 

Please read notice boards in the library for changes to library hours.

Ask for help

The link below opens a form. Fill in as much detail as possible, fully describing your problem, or asking your question. Please include as much detail as possible about yourself, including your Wits staff or student number, your field of study, and your affiliation to Wits.

Library links

Discovery tool: Search for library materials and digital content

This search tool allows you to find content from the library catalogue, all the library’s databases, journals, ebooks, the institutional repository WIReDSpace, and unique digital collections only available in the Wits library.

 Advanced Search    Find e-books & e-journals     LibGuides     e-Wits Catalogue

Search Engines: Google Scholar or Wikipedia or OpenMD or Mednar

Search Google Scholar:  

Search Wikipedia:  


Search OpenMD:    


Search Mednar:    

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

How-to ( Learn anywhere anytime)


Step by Step Process

Go to : 

Click on the box My Account  (scroll down to the middle of the screen – box on your right hand side) 

Enter your surname/ staff or student number / create a Pin of 6 or more numbers (Numbers only) 

Requires a verification of the Pin you setting x 2 

Once done it will open your library record.  

Your Library PIN in is now set to access resources off the Wits Network. 

If You have set a Library Pin before and have forgotten it   - click the link forget your pin 

An email will be sent to your Wits email account with a link  for you to reset your Library Pin. 


Witwatersrand Health Sciences Library

7 York Road





Tel: 011 717-2348

Wits E-mail