All registered students have access to borrowing privileges based on their level of study.
💡 Tip: Always check the due date on your borrowed books to avoid overdue fines!
Short Loans
Overdue Items
Clients will be notified via email about overdue items 📧. A fine per item per day will be charged for late returns 💸.
Fines are charged to all users, regardless of status, for any items which is returned after the due date stamped on the item, and which has not been renewed. If a renewal is made after the due date, a fine will be charged for the period of time between the due date and the date the item is renewed. Fines are charged per day or per hour, according to the category of loan, and are incorporated into the computerised loan circulation system.
Important Student Library Hold Information (SIMS hold) – Library SIMS (Student Information Management System) Holds may impact exam results access as well as registrations.
Important: Returning open shelf materials late will result in a fine of 50c per day. If your fines exceed the limit, your library card will be blocked from borrowing more items. Avoid unnecessary charges—return your books on time!
Overnight books incur a charge of R2 per hour for each hour they are returned late.
🔄 Renewing Books
Books can be renewed four times unless another student has placed a hold.
Renewals of loans are permitted unless a hold on the book for another user has been made. Holds are indicated under the STATUS column of the Location Box for any item.
Maximum renewal period:
An item may be renewed up to four times if it is not required by another person.
Renewals may be done by students in person at the desk, or online by clicking on "Requests" in the eWITS OPAC: if a hold has been placed on the item, or it is already overdue, the renewal will be rejected. Patrons may also renew items by telephone and via email.
📌 Steps to renew:
Note: You cannot renew books online if they are overdue 📅 or if they have been requested by another client 📚🔒.
📌 Placing a Hold on a Book
If the book you need is checked out, you can place a hold to reserve it when it becomes available.
Holds may be placed on items which are out on loan to other users. On its return, any item for which a hold has been made will be kept for the user who placed the hold, for a short period of time. It is the responsibility of the user who places a hold, to check to see when the item becomes available.
An item on which one or more holds have been placed will indicate 1HOLD, 2 HOLDS, etc, in the STATUS column of the Location Box.
You can return materials at the Architecture Library or any of the branch libraries, regardless of where you borrowed them 📚🏫. For after-hours returns, a book drop box is available at the entrance of the Architecture Library 📥🌙.