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Built Environment: First-Year Information Literacy Program: 3️⃣ Google Scholar

The Built Environment: First-Year Information Literacy Program LibGuide is designed to equip first-year students in architecture, urban planning, construction management, and related disciplines with essential information literacy skills.

Setting up a Google Scholar account

🛠 Step-by-Step Guide 🛠

Step 1: Open Google Scholar 🌐

  1. Open your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge).
  2. Go to Google Scholar.

Step 2: Sign In to Your Google Account 🔑

  1. Click on the "Sign in" button in the top-right corner.
  2. Use your Wits email account (if available) or your personal Google account.

Step 3: Link Google Scholar to Wits Library 🔗

  1. Click on the three horizontal lines (☰) again and select "Settings" ⚙️.
  2. Navigate to "Library Links" 📚.
  3. In the search bar, type "University of the Witwatersrand".
  4. Select "University of the Witwatersrand - Full-Text @ Wits" ✅.
  5. Click "Save".

Step 4: Test Access to Wits Library Resources 📖

  1. Return to the Google Scholar homepage.
  2. Search for an academic article.
  3. If the article is available via Wits, you will see a "Full-Text @ Wits" link next to it.
  4. Click the link to access the full article through the Wits Library portal.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Step by Step on how to setup a Google Scholar Account

Google Scholar Search