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Built Environment: First-Year Information Literacy Program: 1️⃣ Web of Science

The Built Environment: First-Year Information Literacy Program LibGuide is designed to equip first-year students in architecture, urban planning, construction management, and related disciplines with essential information literacy skills.


🌎 Web of Science: Finding High-Impact Research

What is Web of Science?
🔹 A multidisciplinary database containing peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, and research papers from top journals worldwide.
🔹 Covers topics such as architecture, urban planning, environmental sustainability, and civil engineering.

1️⃣ Accessing Web of Science

🔹 Step 1: Open your web browser and go to the Wits Library website.
🔹 Step 2: Click on "Databases A-Z" under the Find Information section.
🔹 Step 3: Scroll down or search for "Web of Science", then click the link.
🔹 Step 4: Log in using your Wits student credentials.

💡 Tip: If you are off-campus, use VPN or EzProxy for access.

3️⃣ Refining Your Search Results

🔹 Step 1: Use the filters on the left-hand panel to refine results:

  • Publication Date – Select recent publications. 📆
  • Document Type – Choose journal articles, conference papers, or books. 📖
  • Research Area – Focus on Built Environment disciplines. 🏗️

🔹 Step 2: Click on a relevant article title to view its abstract and citation details.

💡 Tip: The Citation Network shows related articles and references.

Basic Search on Web of Science

2️⃣ Conducting a Search in Web of Science

Step 1: In the search bar, type your keywords using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).

  • Example: "Green buildings AND energy efficiency"
    🔹 Step 2: Choose "Topic" from the dropdown menu to search in titles, abstracts, and keywords.
    🔹 Step 3: Click the Search button.

💡 Tip: Use quotation marks " " to search for exact phrases.

4️⃣ Accessing Full-Text Articles

🔹 Step 1: If full text is available, click “Full Text” or "Find it @ Wits".

5️⃣ Saving & Exporting References

🔹 Step 1: Click on "Export" to save the citation to reference managers like EndNote or Zotero.
🔹 Step 2: Use the “Cite” button to generate formatted citations in APA, Harvard, or other styles.