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Science - Biophy Library - Chemistry Libguide: Library Services

This will provide a very useful and helpful guide to the literature of Chemistry for students, staff and researchers alike.


Library cardholders may renew their own materials online. All material may be renewed except for materials with holds or on short/overnight loan. Item may be renewed up to four times if it is not required by another person.

Renewals may be done at the Issue desk, or online by loging in to your Library Account: if a hold has been placed on the item, or it is already overdue, the renewal will be rejected.

Postgraduates and staff may also renew items by telephone.

Renew online:

  1. Log in to your Library Account.
  2. If not the default view click the "Items currently checked out" link to view the materials you have checked out.
  3. Select the materials you want to renew by checking the boxes in the RENEW column and then click the Renew Selected button. If you want to renew everything, click the Renew ALL button.
  4. If you cannot renew items, a message will appear on the screen. If you are successful, a new due date will appear in the "STATUS" column. Always check the STATUS column for information on the success or failure of your renewal.

Accessing information resources

Keep your PIN safe - you will need it each time you use the Library Catalogue or Electronic Resources.

Accessing E Resources off campus or your Library Account requires a PIN. When logging in for the first time enter any 6 digit (numerical) Personal Identification Number (PIN) you would like to use. After clicking "Submit" you will be prompted to verify the PIN. This service acts to protect against possible unauthorised use of your account.

You will require your PIN to login to your Library Account. From the e-Wits Catalogue click on the login link and follow the prompts that follow.

Below is a Screenshot example of the page.

Fines, payments and overdue notices

You can now pay any fine using KuduBucks with your Student Card or by depositing money at the Cashiers Desk (please ask your Librarian for the account code).

Fines are charged to all users, regardless of status, for any items which is returned after the due date , and which has not been renewed. If a renewal is made after the due date, a fine will be charged for the period of time between the due date and the date the item is renewed.

Fines are charged per day or per hour, according to the category of loan, and are incorporated into the computerised loan circulation system.

Please ask for a receipt of payments made and keep it safe!

As a courtesy, the Library sends email reminders about due dates. E-mail notices will be sent to all current staff and student Wits email address. Whether or not you receive such a notice or reminder, books checked out to you must be returned or renewed by their due dates.

If books are not returned and if replacement charges and outstanding fines are not paid, then disciplinary proceedings may be instituted by the Library.

New Chemistry books in the BioPhy Library (continue)