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This will provide a very useful and helpful guide to the literature of Chemistry for students, staff and researchers alike.

Doing research in a research intensive university

Research Active Academics

Wits is a research intensive university meaning that all academic staff are meant to be engaged with research, besides teaching and service work.  In fact there is an expectation that all academics are 'research active' which embraces publishing research outputs, raising external research funding and supervising postgraduate students on an ongoing basis.

Research Support

These expectations can be demanding in the context of other expectations related to teaching excellence and service commitments.  The good news is that at Wits academics are not expected to do their research without support.  The University Research Office (RO), Wits Enterprise (WE) and Wits Health Consortium (WHC) and the Library work in unison to provide a wide array of administrative support mechanisms for all active researchers.  These include support for:

  1. Research integrity and guidance on ethical research
  2. Legal advice
  3. Assistance with the selection of funding agencies
  4. Support for proposal writing, budgeting and approval
  5. Advice and support with intellectual property protection and exploitation
  6. Assistance with human resource management 
  7. Assistance with grant finance management and administration
  8. Library collections and services to support the needs of researchers

This Library Guide gives some insights into how you can be 'research active'.  Please use it for your benefit and tell others about it if you found it useful.  Please also tell us (the authors) how we can improve it and make it more accessible.


Maryna van den Heever and Robin Drennan

Research Support

Maryna van den Heever

Manager, Research Support Services: Library

Robin Drennan

Director, Research Development, Research Office


Please click on the tabs above to read more about specific topics.

The Research Commons

The Library recognizes the varied needs of different scholarly audiences. The  Research Commons aims to balance those needs and conveniences with a host of opportunities from a quiet research space to collaboration and interaction. Located in the William Cullen library the Research Commons provides quality services, expert help and seamless access to research information.

For Interest:

Writing your thesis

Report Writing

Academic Writing and Plagiarism

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