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Science - Biophy Library - Chemistry Libguide: Electronic Resources

This will provide a very useful and helpful guide to the literature of Chemistry for students, staff and researchers alike.

Access to Electronic Resources

Off-campus users (staff and students) should note that they will be prompted for their staff or student number and library PIN to access the library resources.

Database security certificate issues:

Receiving the below message when trying to access certain databases? Refer to the above attachment.




Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Bibliographic/Citation Databases

Video databases/content


JoVE Science Education: Chemistry

JoVE Science Education is a revolutionary video library dedicated to teaching scientific fundamentals through simple easy-to-understand video demonstrations.

WITS now subscribes to the JoVE Science Education: Chemistry series consisting of the following collections:


JoVE Core:

Video textbooks which explain concepts taught in undergraduate courses through high-impact animations and real-life experiments.

Chemistry: Subject Specific Databases


REAXYS database - ACCESS

PLEASE NOTE: First-time users to Reaxys will need to register & create an Elsevier account in order to access the database.  You can create an Elsevier account for free from any of Elsevier’s products including ScienceDirect, Scopus or Reaxys. To Create and account visit ScienceDirect and click on ‘Register’. Once registered you can use these credentials to log into Reaxys.



SciFinder-n is your portal to chemistry and related information providing easy access to the most trusted collection of chemical substances, reactions and literature references in the world.


Access to SciFinder-n is by username and password, and is restricted to currently registered staff and students of the university. First-time users will need to register & create an account in order to access the database.

PLEASE NOTE that for SciFinder-n (the new interface) you need to use the same login details you used for SciFinder in the past .

To log in to the database itself, go to SciFinder-n   

Introductory Materials

Theses & Dissertations


For more information on Open Access ETDs see the following LibGuide: Scholarly Research & Related Resources. Refer to the page/tab on Research Support/Resources:ETDs and Scholarly Repositories.

Some Popular Science Journals

Discovery tool - search for library material & digital content on one platform

This search tool allows you to find content from the library catalogue, all the library’s databases, journals, ebooks, the institutional repository WIReDSpace, and unique digital collections only available in the Wits library.

 Advanced Search    Find e-books & e-journals     LibGuides     e-Wits Catalogue