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WHSL EndNote: Add References

software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references

How to start

First create an EndNote Library 

  1. Create a folder on your computer where your EndNote citations will be saved.
  2. Open EndNote
  3. Click on File
  4. Click on New
  5. Select the folder on your computer. See step 1 above.
  6. Give your Library a name.
  7. EndNote creates .enl and .data files that must be kept together in the folder.
  8. Remember to back up these files regularly


How to manage your references

The more references you collect, the more important it is to arrange them in an orderly fashion. You can always search using anything you remember about an article, but it is useful to create groups as well. Custom Groups are manually created by the user to help organize the library; you can drag-and-drop to copy individual references into a custom group.

To create a Group, click on Groups, Create Group

Give the Group a name 

You can now drag and drop references from All References list into this group for easier management of references. 

Links to instructions for specific databases

Click on one of the links below for detailed instructions on how to add your search results from the database into your EndNote. 


Use only one Library. With all the references in one place you avoid unnecessary problems when writing papers, creating bibliographies, or moving files between computers. Rather,  create one library and use Groups to help you organize and categorize your references.

Garbage in , garbage out: Always check what has been added to your list of citations, especially when manually entering references.

Backup your Library regularly. 
Many databases have the option to export citations directly to EndNote. These include Web of Science. Look out for the icon that links to this feature.
Link to the EndNote userguide