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WHSL EndNote: Write a Paper

software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references

Citing references in MS Word

Once you have saved some references in your Endnote library, you can start referring to these in a Word document, and creating a bibliography in the style of your choice. 


Open a document in MS Word, and open the Endnote tab.

Place your cursor in the text where you want the citation to appear. In the Endnote ribbon, click on Insert Citation, and Find Citation.

Here you can search for the relevant paper, highlight it and insert it.

When you have finished writing your paper, and inserted all your citations, you are ready to create the bibliography.

Choose the style by pulling down the style list.

Click on Update Citations and bibliography, and your bibliography will be created at the end of your document. Now you have the opportunity to edit it in Word. 

Remember that no citation software is faultless, and you must always go through your bibliography to check for errors that you can edit.  EndNote does NOT replace the Style Guides.