The Faculty of Health Sciences has a simple to understand Guide on copyright and the aviodance of plagiarism. This PDF guide (see link below) may be downloaded and freely distributed to your students. You may also wish to refer your students to the section on the avoidance of plagiarism in the WHSLCiting the Medical LIterature LibGuide.
For teaching purposes, you may replicate the followuing amounts of material according to the University's Blanket Copyright Agreement:
For information on plagiarism checkers, please consult eLSI (eLearning Support and Innovation). More information on the avoidance of plagiarism can be found under the Tab Avoiding Plagiarism.
You may also find the following online resources useful:
The University policy on plagiarism (Senate Document S2003/351B) can be found on the Registar's Helpdesk under Academic Support (P) on the Wits Intranet, as a subcategory under Policies. Note the Intranet only works when you are searching on campus or have VPN installed on your remote workstation. However, as this site seems to be under revision, and it is extremely hard to find this document, the link is reproduced below for your convenience.
You are obliged to clear copyright for ALL copyright material included in coursepacks or placed on any e-learning content management programme e.g. Sakai, Moodle, etc. for teaching purposes, on an annual basis. All copyright requests must be made via the online copyright system.
Contact the Copyright Services Librarian Ms Denise Nicholson for more information regarding the use of copyright material in teaching & learning.
View the University's Intellectual Property Policy.
A useful guide on how to paraphrase, based on material from the Writer's Handbook, produced by the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.