Senate Document S2005/548a outlines the Principles of Teaching & Learning at Wits and may be helpful to new academic staff.
WHSL runs undergraduate information literacy training classes during curriculum time on request of all departments in all schools, and across all degree programmes offered by the Faculty. Owing to the large number of students requiring training at the beginning of each academic year, it is essential that bookings for each academic year are made as early as possible at the end of the preceding year. Contact Dr Glenda Myers to arrange training for your students.
Topics covered include searching for information in subject specific databases, how to cite references and use the Faculty's preferred citation styles, copyright and avoidance of plagiarism, use of e-journals and e-books.
Ask about designing a specific resource or teaching LibGuide that will involve the use of critical thinking exercises to embed into your e-learning programmes. See under the Database & Websites tab for a complete list of existing WHSL LibGuides.
Undergraduate students often struggle with the concepts of researching and writing assignments. Feel free to introduce them to these basic concepts in the research process in the WHSL Introduction to Research in the Biomedical Sciences guide.
Faculty Assistant Registrar: Ms Sandra Benn
Head: Undergraduate Administration and Deputy Registrar: Ms Henda van der Walt
Senior Faculty Officer, MMed, MDent: Tabea Lephuthing
Senior Faculty Office, PHD, MSc: Mpumi Mnqapu
Senior Faculty Officer, GEMP and BCMP: Post vacant
Senior Faculty Officer, Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Hygiene: Ms Thabitha Magethi
Senior Faculty Officer, Therapeutic Sciences: Mr Morne Greyling
WHSL policy on overnight books has been endorsed by the Faculty's Undergraduate Committee. Recommended textbooks may be placed on a shortloan system (overnight and in-library loan) or on a one day or three-day loan for your classes. Preference is given to e-book versions wherever possible, and educators are encouraged to explore WHSL's e-book collection. These books do not require an e-book reader, and are available on the web 24/7. Remote access is enabled by means of the Library PIN. Most e-books at WHSL have simultaneous user licenses, which means that many readers can access the same information at the same time. Many of these books allow mobile access to certain amounts of text. Use of all e-books are still subject to the laws of copyright.
WHSL does not purchase prescribed textbooks. Students are encouraged to purchase these for themselves.
Contact Mr Devind Peter to place an item in the overnight collection, or Ms Patricia Warner to enquire about number of simultaneous licenses available for specific e-books.
The University's policy on book lists and procedures in this regard can be found on the Registrar's Helpdesk under Academic Support (B) on the Wits Intranet. Note the Intranet only works when you are searching on campus or have VPN installed on your remoted workstation.
This scheme is administered by WHSL on behalf of the Faculty of Health Sciences, which receives an annual allocation from the Financial Aid Office at the University. Books are only issued to students in receipt of University bursaries. Students will be asked to produce proof that they are bursary holders (a green form is issued with each bursary pack by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office), and this form must be completed by each student. Students are asked to sign for receipt of all bursary books issued to them, and these books are then issued to the student for a year. Books must be returned to WHSL at the end of examinations each year. Final examination results are withheld if books are not returned. Bursary books remain the property of the Faculty. Books are recycled and issued to students each year.
Mr Devind Peter runs this scheme on behalf of the Faculty with administrative assistance from Mr Isaac Tshabalala.